Fondest Greetings To You All


Well-known member
I tend to shy away from board introductions, but decided to dive right into this one due to the friendly nature of its members; lurking around does have its advantages. With that being said, hello it's a pleasure meeting everyone!

I'm not new to Mac having worn it before for stage performances, but it never occurred to me to wear their cosmetic line daily. Recently, my friend nudged me towards color (I had stopped for various reasons) by walking me straight up to a Mac counter and purchasing three lovely eye shadows for me for my birthday. In the end I walked away with two additional colors, a lip gloss, and violet underground eyeliner. I can already feel the boost in my confidence from wearing such vibrant shades.

And now that I babbled many ears off, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and trying out all the helpful tutorials and tips I've bookmarked!
