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for Miss Marcy (blue purple pink)


Well-known member

tutorial for this look.

yes grose ... makeuless face ... wash and moisturise face. (yes im a teenager and have zits, ick.)


basics, i added tinted lotion nw20 to face, then studio fix, then added orgasm blush, fushia pigment, and champagine skin finish. then my eye brows, which im still working on, they never look good.


i then added untitled paint, frost e/s to my browbone and down the middle. on the inner corners and outer i added fade e/s


then i added electric eel to the inner and outer corners and blended with the 224 brush.


then violet pigment twoard the lower inner and outer corners of my eye lids and blended up.


then added white gold down the middle

i then added fushia pigment with an eyeliner brush and sprayed studio+ to make it stay.


i then added prep and prime mascara (which is incrediable. i have the worst eyelashes ever. this is my favorite thing ever.

i then added diorshow black mascara and morning glory lip gloss.


and donee! sorry that my pictures arnt very clear today i dont know whats wrong with my camera


Well-known member
you are a star honetly girl!! you should do more of these tutorials!! your so inspirational. i love the look heaps...
Thanks once again


Well-known member
so bascially, i need to get all this stuff.

and pretty much, i love you for this. because this has to be one of THE greatest looks ever <3


Well-known member
I really like this, colorful but not over the top. Does the prep and prime mascara primer have fibers?


Well-known member
Wow really pretty! I also have to say that I find you look very natural and cute without makeup.


Well-known member
I love it! It's so colorful but not overdone. I'm defionently gonna have 2 try it. Thank U and i cant wait 2 c more of ur work! P.S. I've been curious about the Prep & Prime lash too. Do u lyk it, would u recomend it? TIA


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HappyHannah
I love it! It's so colorful but not overdone. I'm defionently gonna have 2 try it. Thank U and i cant wait 2 c more of ur work! P.S. I've been curious about the Prep & Prime lash too. Do u lyk it, would u recomend it? TIA

yes yes yes i love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HappyHannah
Ooops, i forgot something: what did u use on ur lips? It's very pretty.

morning glory lustergloss :]