...for those of you with "nice" skin, here's question for you...


Well-known member
Do you still wear foundation even though you don't really need it?

I rarely break out, I have a couple of freckles, & tiny pores. I do have some discoloration around the eyes, which I conceal. MU artists tell me to wear just some concealor, blush, and a bit of powder.

But... for some reason, I just like to wear foundation anyway. Not sure why, I feel like it gives it an extra something, a bit of luminousity. There's just this finished look that foundation achieves that even the most perfect skin can't beat.

What do you girls do?


Well-known member
I have pretty good skin.I always wear full foundation just cuz i like the way it looks.lol.But i dnt need it at all.


Well-known member
Yes. I love wearing foundation even I don't need it
But it feels and looks good for me.


Well-known member
I don't always wear foundation it just depends on what look I am going for..If i want a full polished face then yes...if I am just looking for a fresh natural look then no


Well-known member
Nope. I will do powder sometimes or maybe concealer in the spots I need it, but I don't like "stuff" on my skin/face, and I don't like cleaning it off, either. Theres has to be a really special occasion, or my skin had to be really uneven in order for me to wear a foundation. Of course I own them, but my use is infrequent.


Well-known member
I never wear foundation. My skin is fine on it's own. I do use concealer for under eye circles, but that's it.


Well-known member
Yup...on a day to day basis, I just dab foundation on my lids, under my eyes, and the dark corner near the mouth, blush, and mascara.

But on the weekends, let the makeup junkie in me come out!


Well-known member
I'd say I have pretty nice skin, don't break out a lot, but have some redness here and there due to sensitivity. When my skin is calm, I really don't need foundation, just a moisturizer and maybe some powder and/or concealer.

But I have been using Studio Sculpt on days that I want to have a more even complexion, and I really like it. It covers well without being too heavy.


Well-known member
My skin usually looks like crap in the morning and right after I wash it at night for some reason. But during midday times it actually looks fine IMO that yeah I do question why I even spent all that time applying foundation or powder in the morning?


Well-known member
I didn't use to wear foundation day to day ... but I developed bad acne on my chin so began using 2 types of concealer and a foundation. My acne has since completely cleared and my scarring is barely noticeable so I don't need foundation anymore but I still wear a little mineral powder as I feel more polished.

I save full foundation for weekends and nights, if I go out.


Well-known member
I like wearing foundation. Not on a daily basis, but I do like wearing it. It makes my skin much nicer. Even when I feel like I have pretty good skin, Still no one's skin tone is even. No one. So i wear foundation for this purpose, and wehn I have my whole eye makeup and lips done, it looks weird not having anything on your face.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I don't always wear foundation it just depends on what look I am going for..If i want a full polished face then yes...if I am just looking for a fresh natural look then no

Bang on target!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
when I have my whole eye makeup and lips done, it looks weird not having anything on your face.

This is how I feel about my own face. I like to wear foundation because I think it "finishes" my look.

Also, this topic was previously discussed in the BOC subforum, which you can check out here: http://www.specktra.net/forum/f270/w...dition-114747/


Well-known member
^^ I also feel the same. I can't put a whole heap of work on my eyes and lips and not have a finished face... It just looks amateur.


Well-known member
hmm i think i have pretty clear skin. but i do get the few pimples here and there.
if im going to school or just having a bum chillin day with my friends, no.
if im going to work or going outtttt, then yes.
plus foundation just gives my makeup a more polished look. but i only wear face and body by MAC. coverage is so sheer, almost like im not wearing anything. it just smoothens out the little redness i have on my cheeks


Well-known member
I've got pretty good skin - I rarely get spots but I have a lot of freckles. I rarely wear foundation, I only wear it if I'm wearing dramatic eyeshadow that will draw attention to any blemishes, for everyday I don't usually bother anymore.


Well-known member
I think i have nice skin... a nice texture i mean.. but i have discolouration and scars on my face.. so that is why I wear foundation. I think even without the scaring.. foundation just evens out the skin tone.


Well-known member
I like to think I have very nice skin. I put a lot of time into caring for my skin and using products that I understand. A lot of people tell me (without makeup) that my skin is really nice and I'm 26.

I still wear foundation and concealer (only under the my eyes) every single day. Granted, I don't wear heavy foundation....I use SFF but I only use one pump and use the 187 to lightly apply all over my face. I believe it creates a more polished and put together appearance and helps balance out the rest of my makeup.


Well-known member
I'll only wear foundation for a special occasion, and that's when I would go all out on other makeup as well. On a day to day basis I usually cover up some discoloration with concealer and use a sheer powder (like MSFN) to even out the overall skin tone.