For those that use the OCM...


Well-known member
Do you still use a toner?

Mean as your only cleansing with the oil..?



Well-known member
It depends on if the oil I am using rinses clean (like Villainess' Satura Slick)/has an emulsifier in it. Usually I like the moisturized feeling after I steam it off with a wet hot washcloth, so I usually just leave it alone and apply my salicylic acid gel on troubled spots. I know some people also apply a little extra oil after cleansing and just rub it in if they have dry skin. A lot of people do use a toner, so I suggest doing whatever you feel comfortable with!


Well-known member
I use straight jojoba oil because I don't like the thick, heavy texture of castor oil and I'm concerned about the hexane used in the extraction process. As far as rinse goes after using oil, it kind of depends. I use jojoba oil every night to remove makeup (including eyes). Then I follow up with a cleanser around the face and leave the slight film around my eye area. When I do a longer OCM treatment (about once a week), I'll use jojoba oil to remove makeup first, rinse with tepid water, then use some more on my makeup free face and massage all over for about 15 minutes. Then I rinse off with tepid water, a microfiber cloth and follow up with a mist of toner before I continue with my other treatments.

Hope this helps,


Well-known member
I use Origin's Cleansing Oil and then their Sensitive Skin 'toner' (which is more like a watery serum than a toner) and then my moisturizer.

...and you know what? I just went to their website and I don't see my toner anymore!! YIKES!!