Forum Pet Peeves

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People posting videos for FOTDs doesnt make the THAT angry lol. its just a slight inconvenience.


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My pet peeve is when every day there is a new "top 4 shadow recs" or "make a quad" or "I'm going to get some shadows what are must-haves" everyday when there are five million of those threads already.


Well-known member
^ I totally agree with you!! People should seriously search the forum before making a new thread!

There are millions of threads on create a neutral quad or create a blue quad. I remember posting a reply on creating a blue quad a few days ago and today there's a new one up..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
Firstly... dont shoot me down for re-opening an old thread... lol

In defence of that as a pet peeve... I gotta say that for some ppl (like me) we havent been a part of Specktra for long and therefore will come across old threads (whilst searching) and still want to comment... i.e. like I am now!

I feel that surely its better to post something in an existing thread rather than creating a brand new one... is it ok to do that? Cos it annoys me when there are so many lil threads that have been asked/mentioned before and ppl dont search enough...

But one of my pet peeves is deffo the text talk and also quoting the whole thread to then only say yep! exactly! ITA!

Oh and finally ppl who are rude and totally misinterpret what you have written! Read it again with a cooler head before responding!!

Bumping old threads relating to a product or something, when it has been discussed, is the best way to behave on a forum, imo. I hate when people start new threads on basic questions that have been asked and answered so many times, that the forum is cluttered with threads of the exact same nature. It involves more work for moderators with merging threads on the same topic. So please go right ahead and bump old threads and add your piece. I actually like reading old threads sometimes.


Well-known member
A pet peeve of mine on the forum is when people are just plain rude. Enough said.


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Another pet peeve of mine is when people imply stuff and direct it towards certain people without coming out and saying their names. I think that's rude.

& Replying to CantAffordMac, LOL it really doesn't make me "THAT" mad it just is VERY annoying dealing with it over and over on a daily basis. As I said, just really oh soooooooo frustrating. :p But that's my peeve! Everyone has different ones.


Well-known member
Ohhh yeah don't get me started on text talk. And replacing l3tt3rs with numberz and lzk stuff lyk that. UGH!


Well-known member
Is this just me? I've been away from Specktra for awhile and since I wandered back, I notice that I have to log in more than once. I usually go to the skincare forum first, and if I want to reply to a post I log in. Then when I go to my user control panel (to see who's thanked me, god I'm vain)
I have to log in again. Then when I want to reply to another thread, I have to log in for a third time. The third time seems to do the trick, because I'm good at that point. Is Specktra on multiple servers, is that why I have to keep logging in?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
Is this just me? I've been away from Specktra for awhile and since I wandered back, I notice that I have to log in more than once. I usually go to the skincare forum first, and if I want to reply to a post I log in. Then when I go to my user control panel (to see who's thanked me, god I'm vain)
I have to log in again. Then when I want to reply to another thread, I have to log in for a third time. The third time seems to do the trick, because I'm good at that point. Is Specktra on multiple servers, is that why I have to keep logging in?

Make sure you set your browser to accept cookies from Specktra. You are prob being logged out because you don't have cookies on.


Well-known member
A lot of relevant pet peeves mentioned here. Mine is going to be on the Recommendations section.

Honestly unless someone responds with a question rather than a best attempt at a recommendation the Thanks button should be used.

Also, people don't seem to even read the other threads posted in there because there's got to be hundreds of threads looking for mascaras that will give you the look of falsies/don't smudge, best red lipstick for a newbie or a favorite pink or coral blush/lipstick. Get familiar with how to do a search - it's very simple. Even then often times you don't need to do one because there's a thread on your topic of interest just 3/4 of the way down. Just take a little time to do some lurking!

On a separate peeve, it annoys me when people are having differing opinions and then someone throws out the "you're just jealous" card. No, the fact that someone doesn't think Lindsey Lohan is gorgeous, like you do, does not mean they are jealous of her. They just don't share your view, simple as that.


Well-known member
A huge pet peeve of mine is when i see loads of threads being made in the reccomendations section about the following products. I feel that memebers have answered these questions sooo many times before and it gets kind of boring posting the same answers! LOL. But i sometimes feel bad because new members are not familiar with how the forum works..

Questions that are asked frequently:

The best MAC brushes/Must haves
Best eye primer
Best eyeshadows from mac for NC__ or NW__
Best blushers from MAC for NC___ or NW___
How to achieve the glowy/dewy look
Best Red lipstick for NC___ or NW ___
Which to get paintpots, paints or shadesticks

There are loads of threads already on these topics in the Reccomendations section and the MAC chat section. If you would do a search you will find your answer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer.
this is pretty generic and insignificant considering it's not just a board specific problem, but misspellings of things that have been typed out millions of times on here correctly. what can i say, i'm a spelling freak (and have been since i was a kid).

the three biggest ones? lose, concealer, and a lot. lose does not = loose, concealer only has one 'o' and a lot is two words.

it's dumb but just a minor annoyance.

haha im guilty i always write a lot in one word.....english is not my main language but i know its two words but everytime i write it i get insecure again haha


Well-known member
This is a really good thread, BTW. It has kept me entertained by reading it for a few minutes!

I also agree with a lot of other posters on this thread, about how people catch feelings. It's only the internets. I mean why get your thong into a twist because you don't agree with someone else's point of view?
I hate when people post a thread that they'll CLEARLY ask advice for, but attack every single person on that thread who doesn't agree with them. I mean, what's the point?? I'm not calling people out, just saying, for the record

Out of all the forums I've belonged to over the years, I have to say Specktra keeps it the most real! There are a lot of diverse women & men on here and we are all from different points & places in life and I think it's awesome that we're not all just here because of MAC cosmetics and makeup, but for other reasons as well. There are so many awesome peeps on this site!


Well-known member
When you post something informational/helpful and someone takes it and posts in on another forum taking credit for it.


Well-known member
1. People who type in all caps, people who type in all caps except for the letter I which is then lowercased (TYPiNG LiKE THiS), or worse yet, people who use two or three I's, people who do text speak...just people who don't use proper English. If it isn't proper English, as in real words, I probably cannot translate it.

I don't have a ton of pet peeves, besides trolling and the like, but that is the biggest one.


Well-known member
Now, nobody throw onions at me......

Speaking as someone who tries to keep up with the tidying of MAC Chat, my pet peeve is when there are 5 different threads asking the like of:

- What are your top 3 brushes?
- What are your fave 5 brushes?
- What are your favorite 2 brushes?
- What are your top 10 MAC brushes?
- What are your favourite MAC brushes?

It's basically the same question over and over and over. Searches are good things.
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