FOTD and my first person makeover!


Well-known member
hello world.. once again i have another fotd.. i forgot what i used but i know i used old gold pigment on my lid. i forgot what i used on my outer.

and since practice makes perfect, I tried to make my friend over. after all the struggle, i realized that it's harder to do makeup on someone else than it is on yourself :| ! plus my friend's facial features were a lot different than others and trying to do the right look was a little hard. also, she was used to just wearing browns and eyeliner so this was a REAAAALLLYY REALLYY different look for her.

mixture of true match l'oreal bases
l'oreal tranculcent powder
primpin/golden kitty double
refined golden bronzer

stillife paint as an all ove base
sea me s/s
pink pearl pigment
embark e/s on outer crease
bad gal eyeliner

stripdown l/l
honey-flower l/s
love nectar l/g

any constructive criticism is greatly appreaciated.


Well-known member
woow both of your looks look great!
especially the look on your....I'm totally in love with my gold pigment as well!

Crazy Girly

Well-known member
Both looks great!!!You both are very pretty