Foundation brush verses sponges


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I think they are worth it if you have a few extra min. in the morning..the one I use is The Body Shop and I think its not that bad of price either! works great as well


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a couple of years ago, i read an interview with Bobbi Brown where she said the secret to getting that "flawless" look you see in magazine photos is to rub liquid foundation into your skin.

i find it works.


Well-known member
i was an avid sponge user and i absolutely loved it. but then i went to a seminar and the MA said sponges absorb more of the foundation rather than dispersing it on your face. i forget the material of the brush, but it's not supposed to absorb foundation so you can use less than what you normally do by using a sponge.

sooo. i splurged a little on getting a foundation brush and i hated it at first. but now as i'm getting more used to it, i don't thnk i can go back to sponges. it's so easy to blend and layer with the brush.

i also have a chanel one and i find that the chanel one works better with liquid while mac is better with creme.

with fingers, it's easy to spread baterial al over your face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxyrbestbetxx
sponges absorb more of the foundation rather than dispersing it on your face.

Yep, the sponges absorb the foundation, so you go through it a lot faster. Foundation brushes don't absorb as much, so your foundation bottle will last longer.

Originally Posted by xxyrbestbetxx
with fingers, it's easy to spread baterial al over your face.

Actually, most people apply foundation after they've gotten out of the shower or washed their hands; so you really don't spread bacteria from your hands. You have more of a chance for spreading bacteria from a foundation brush that is not rinsed daily.