foundation, concealer


Active member
Hi i am pretty new to the boards. I've been dealing with pimples half of my life and for a long time now, dark circles under my eyes. So i been wondering about concealer and foundation to cover both of these things. But honestly i dont know which color, what brand or even how to select one. So do you guys have any tips, recommendations. I'm very new to make up too. i just dont know how to get the right ones. Do i go up to a mac person and ask for help?
Im dying to cover these things that make my self esteem to the floor.
oh yeah i forgot to say, i dont like liquid foundation, idk why. i prefer powder.
Forgive me if i post in the wrong section or something.


Well-known member
Well i personally have some pimples and little bit of scarring from the old pimples and i suggest that if you want to use MAC then try starting off with Studio Fix powder because you said that you prefer powder, and for a concealer then you should def. try the little pot one i forget the name but its the one many ppl use!, i myself have it but i forgot the name what a silly huh!!.....anyways those products would be good if you want to stay with MAC, but i definitely suggest if you want to use a different brand of makeup you try Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer , yes its a cream formula but trust me it WILL cover everything!!!i personally get my moisturizer and i get a little bit of my SSE and i mix them and its really good like a tinted moisturizer or foundation, depends on how much you use, after that i set with my chanel purete mat and i'm good to go, i have good natural FULL coverage for the whole day.....I hope i was at least some help!


Well-known member
Personally, I don't like Studio Fix, it usually oxidizes and makes me break out like there's no tomorrow.

My favorite powder foundation is La Prairie's Cellular Powder Foundation, it provides a lot of coverage, doesn't cake and doesn't irritate my acne prone skin, yes it's pricey but it's incredibly worth it.


Well-known member
the concealer from mac in the pot is called studio finish. I started using it recenlty and so far i like it just find the right brush to use it with


Well-known member
I totally agree with the Studio Finish concealor. As for foundation, you can't go wrong with Bare Minerals. I have very very acne prone skin, and this foundation was a god send for me. It covers everything and doesn't cause more breakouts. I don't know what I would do without it.

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
if you have acne prone skin be careful with mac foundations, there very hit or miss - some people theyre fine, alot of people get really bad cystic acne.


Well-known member
I have really bad skin too.. or atleast i think i do.. i was gunna go to mac and then i heard so many people break out on there foundations and etc and im soo prone to breaking out so i don't wanna risk it and alot of my friends are useing every day minerals... so i orderd some of that! im still waiting to try it!


Well-known member
clinique is also good for people with acne prone skin i believe. they really thoroughly test their products to make sure people dont have reactions to them. i started off with clinique and they do some great concealers and powder compacts. hope this helps!