Foundation: Mac products



Im new to using Mac products, I usually use fashion fair foundation but I wanted to try Mac foundation since I use the eyeshadows. On the website there are so many different products to put on your face. So my question is what are the steps that everyone uses before applying the actual makeup? (For example, do you use the face primer then foundation??)thanks for the help!


Well-known member
well this is what i do- i exfoliate, cleanse, tone, moisturise, then use a special cream to treat my dry skin, use eye cream, then slop on plenty of sunscreen. i wait perhaps 5 minutes for all this to sink in before applying strobe cream (which i use as a foundation primer) and let that sit for a bit before applying my foundation. i find that by using a primer it definitely will help your foundation sit better and last longer. also after all my eye makeup etc... i squirt some fix+ onto my skin so that it helps to set everything.