Foundation Samples buy online? (+ which shade am I?)


New member
So, I have something that I would like to specify as a problem.
My perfect match in foundation (Bobbi Brown skin foundation 0 porcelain) doesn't get sold in my country anymore (just like 00 Alabaster) and I can't buy it online, because none of the sites that sell the foundation ship internationally.

I was thinking Nars sheer glow might has a match for me, but I don't want to spend 40 euros on a foundation that might not match me, so I would like to get some samples first ( 'the Nars foundation doesn't get sold in the netherlands at all so I can't get matched in a store). So, does anyone know where i can buy/get samples online?

I was also wondering which shade will match me best, I can't figure it out. I was thinking it's either Mont Blanc, Siberia or Gobi.

Here are some pictures of my perfect match in Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation 0 Porcelain

(the one on the right is the porcelain, the one on the left is warm ivory, which i got matched to the second time, but wheni came home it really was a tad too dark and orangy, turns out they just matched me to that shade because they don't sell my actual match 0 porcelain anymore

And here's a picture of the shades in Nars that I am considering: