Frederic Fekkai Apple Cider line


Well-known member
Has anyone tried any of these products? I wash my hair every other day, but it gets smelly the second day. Other people can't smell it (yes, I've asked people to smell my hair) but I can and it's enough to bother me. Washing everyday dries out my hair.

I thought of the apple cider products because I use diluted apple cider every couple of months to prevent/get rid of dandruff, and it does a pretty good job at that. I need a new clarifying shampoo anyway.
you really shouldn't be using a clarifying shampoo every day. that is stripping your hair/scalp of the oils it needs and is why it dries out. thats why you'll see dry flakes (which isn't really dandruff.) You can wash your hair everyday if you use just a regular daily shampoo. Enjoy has a great shampoo to use daily and it won't dry you out. I don't know much about tyhe FF line but if you try it out. let me know.