Freelance with Mac


Well-known member
I have a few questions. I know in my region hours are now available for counters to call us, but what did you do to get your name out there so the managers remember to call you if they have the hours available?

I got called once, but I am afraid they will never call again because I didn't answer... Just some advice will be great.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_supra
I have a few questions. I know in my region hours are now available for counters to call us, but what did you do to get your name out there so the managers remember to call you if they have the hours available?

I got called once, but I am afraid they will never call again because I didn't answer... Just some advice will be great.


Go into all the MAC's in your area (that you are willing to work at) and introduce yourself. Let them know you are a freelancer for MAC and would love to work at their counter if and when they have hours. Give them your schedule (the more open the better) and a number they can reach you at. And if they call you, call them back NO MATTER WHAT, even if you can't take the hours, decline them politely and let them know that you would love to work that day but you are already working, have plans you can't get out of, etc, etc...but that please keep you in mind when hours open up again. If you are available and they do call you and you miss it call back asap because they do just move down the list and whoever calls back first usually get those hours.

This is how it works over here in my area. We still don't have any on-call hours unfortunately
so I've only been working *maybe* two/three days a month per counter (there are two by me) for freelancing, just events and classes (studio talk.) However freelancing/on-call is a lot of fun when they do have hours (I was working 25-35 hours per week before the freeze) so just hang in there and get your name out there! Let them see your face. After you've introduced yourself, drop by every now and then or even call them to see if they have any open hours that week, cause you never know.

Good luck!! and let us know how everything goes!!

Edited: Also the managers do talk to each other so if you are doing well they will recommend you to other CM's and you'll get more hours! So always try and be as helpful as you can when working, offer to help stock when it's slow, clean down mirrors and tables without being asked, organize products that are messed up as best you can, when you run to the stock room to get an item you were out of on the floor bring back a few so someone else won't have to go back for the same product, ask artists who are doing makeovers if they need you to grab anything. Managers notice these things and it will make them want to call you over the other FL/OC's on their lists.


Well-known member
Ambonee, thank you. This is some great advise for anyone. When you in to introduce yourself do you specifically ask to speak with the manager wearing a full face application? What did you do? I am sorry for the lame newbie questions but it stresses me out a bit to her my name out there to start working. Do they generally leave voice mails or just can and you have to notice the number that is calling?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_supra
Ambonee, thank you. This is some great advise for anyone. When you in to introduce yourself do you specifically ask to speak with the manager wearing a full face application?

Ask to speak with the CM. Introduce yourself to whoever greets you and ask to speak with the manager. I would definitely go in with a full face on. Look smokin! First impressions mean a lot especially if you've never met the person before.

Originally Posted by miss_supra
What did you do? I am sorry for the lame newbie questions but it stresses me out a bit to her my name out there to start working. Do they generally leave voice mails or just can and you have to notice the number that is calling?

The counter manager that hired me gave me hours right away (the day my paperwork went through actually) because it was before the freeze. She suggested I go to other counters but at the time I only really wanted to work at that counter. But she ended up telling other CM's about me and soon enough I was getting calls from other counters. When they called, sometimes (not always) they'd leave voice mails. What I did was program the numbers that called me (even if they were #'s that couldn't be called back) into my cell phone, so I'd know what counter was calling and if I missed the call I could call back and tell them I saw that I had missed them, did they need me. I know from other freelancer friends, if you avoid/miss/don't call back some counters will just stop calling.
I suggest calling even if you can't take those hours, it shows you are considerate
and don't worry about the questions, I don't mind them
I'm far from an expert but I can offer advice based on my personal experience. LMK how it goes. Just be friendly, smile and let them know how excited you are to work for MAC and I'm sure as soon as the hours become available your phone will be ringing off the hook. (I got phone calls almost every day when I first started last October, I'm sure the holiday season helped out though! I hope that hours pick up again by that time this year! I had so so much fun and miss it dearly!)

Good luck!!! keep us updated!!