Freelancing for MAC


Well-known member
I am such a sad little MAC-aholic that at the Freestanding MAC store here in Indy and the Nordies counter all the employees know me by name now,.. well over the weekend, while signing up for the Nordies Event Beau, one of the salespeople who sees me all the time suggested that I do an "audition" or interview and sign up to do MAC freelance. Has anyone done this and what was it like?? And what do they expect. the suggestion kinda blew me away,.... I am not sure I am good enough?


Well-known member
You will have a regular type interview but also you have to do a makeup demonstration. To show you know how to apply make up. Either recreate a look or take a day look to night.


New member
don't let being nervous stop you, I'm sure everyone that works there now has felt that way
Go for it and tell us how it turned out !


Well-known member
I would be "on-call" to help with events and such to do makeup demos. Aghhh,.. thanks for the advice about being nervous,.. I just feel like everyone else knows way more than me. LOL. Probably because I never thought that it would be a "marketable" skill.


Well-known member
Freelance makeup artist contract?

I'm just wondering how one is supposed to look like
and if you have to be licensed to do this?


Well-known member
Re: Freelance makeup artist contract?

Originally Posted by mrskloo
I'm just wondering how one is supposed to look like
and if you have to be licensed to do this?

It depends on what state you live in. Here in Seattle, freelance MA and gals that work at cosmetic counters don't need to be licensed. I believe some states require an esthetics license.

As for what the contract looks like, that depends on what brand you're working for.

If you want more specific answers, it would be best to go to the counter of the brand you're interested in freelancing for, and ask them questions.


Well-known member
Is she asking about a license or a contract? There is a difference. I don't have a license yet but I do require brides to sign a contract when doing weddings because I want my money even if they call off the wedding.


Well-known member
It seems like she's asking about both.. like what does your contract look like?

I was wondering the same thing actually.. when I had my MU done by a "big" pro in the area, she didn't even draw up a contract, just put me in her book. . So I have nothing to compare it to..

Facesbyniki-would you mind showing us an example of a contract you use? Pretty please??


Well-known member
I was wondering how a contract looked like.
And what some things, as a customer, should I really be aware of when hiring an MA for an event?


Well-known member
freelance MA

hello all, with my big huge collection of makeup, I've decided I want to be a freelance MA but I have no idea where to start! any advice?


Well-known member
advertise. work with college students. be ready to work for little to no pay to build up a portfolio and resume.


Well-known member
Be prepared to not make any money. LOL, I'm really feeling it right now. I'm actually thinking of working for a cosmetic line regularly, because now that prom season is over, I'm having a hard time getting appointments.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glassjaw326
there are always freelance jobs on

depends on your location.


Well-known member
cooool, my name's jeanna too!! AND i'm also getting more active in pursuing my freelancing

how do you pronounce your name? mine's JENNA. i was called GINA throughout all of highschool!


Well-known member
OMG JEANNA! MY NAME IS PRONOUNCED JENNA TOO! I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM IN HIGH SCHOOL.. LOL.. yeah but i'm kinda having trouble with appts. for freelancing.. kinda slow.. but i love doing makeup! [/quote]