Friend Marine Killed in Iraq


Well-known member
You never realize how much the whole war (U.S. troops in Iraq and such) pisses you off until it hits home. I've dealt with many deaths in my life (suicides, car accidents) but this one hurts the most. I mean, someone actually killed the kid. Along with 4 others during the same attack. I guess someone ratted out their position in Iraq and the Iraqi soldiers stole their weapons (I'm assuming while they were sleeping) and then came back and killed them. They couldn't even fight back. And this happened one day after he turned 22 years old. I've learned to cope with death, but the anger I feel is unbelievable. I realize war is war, and people get killed but it wasn't fair game. He had no way to fight back. That just pisses me off. This is the first war death in my town since 1968. You wouldn't believe the amount of flags that you see as you drive down the road. The support we've been recieveing is amazing, but a part of me is still empty. Has anyone in here lost a loved one in this war? Or any war at all? I just don't know what to do. Did you do anything to support the troops or honor your loved one? Or anything to raise money for the killed soldiers financial fund (you know, where they raise money for like a scholarship and give it to a kid). I'm just lost.
I'm sorry for rambling, but I just had to get that out.


Well-known member
this is a difficult thing to deal with. but you'll make it.

during the summer before my juniour year, a very good friend of mine was drunk and dared to play russian roulette [who dares someone to do something that stupid, honestly?] and he lost. it broke my heart and it damn near killed me.

during this last year, my rotc instructour called me into his office. he pulled me aside to tell me that one of our graduated cadets, one of the ones i had been friends with since my freshman year; had been killed in iraq. it destroyed me heart and it killed me.

it tore me up...i mean, it REALLY tore me.

now, i'm no stranger to death either. growing up with friends who were involved in shady activities, friends who partied a little too much, friends who got in with the wrong crowd...i've seen it all. but for some reason, his death really beat me.

i think it's just the fact that this thing has been going on so long. for me at least, it just seems like it's been going on forever and when i heard he died for it, it just kind of got me thinking about why this is happening. well, not so much...more or less just why it's still going on. i understand why we're there and's just that it gets frustrating when we're constantly losing people and it just keeps dragging on like this was will never really be over.

i don't think i'm making much sense now, am i? haha.

well...anyway, i know exactly what you're going through and i hope you're able to pull yourself back up soon. it's difficult, but you can get through it. if you ever need anyone to talk to, hit me up. best wishes, doll <3


Well-known member
That totally sucks.

*takes a deep breath*

I have never lost anyone in war yet. I have 30 marines I write to and "take care of" by sending them letters and cookies though. I have a good relationship with the MSgt. When I first started writing to them there was a roadside bomb in their area and one of them was caught up in it. I knew it was one of his but I e-mailed him to ask him and he just said, yes it was his.

That killed me. I mean I hadn't even written to the soldiers yet at the time but it throughly pissed me off and I have this thing with me that I have the ability to where others can't show emotion or pain I somehow do it for them.

He didn't die but he's in a hospital somewhere getting treatment and its common sense knowing he's not going to be the same person. He'll heal with time but it kills me. Everytime I write to my 30 men including my MSgt, I always take time to write another letter and send an extra something to him.

But I do know your anger and saddness.

The way I look at this is if my husband were in the war I would want someone else to do the same thing for him. Just love him unconditionally, send him stuff and letters. Just so he knows I am not the only one standing behind him...

Anyway, enough rambling. It'll hurt and it'll feel empty for a while and you'll never be able to fill that hole but just keep in mind that he'll still be with you, maybe not in person but in your thoughts and your heart.


Well-known member
I'm really sorry, it's a tragedy when something liek this has to happen to remind us that thier are still troops out thier fighting for us. While the news has stopped running clips of the war most of the time, poeple have seemed to forgot that we are still at war and these young and brave men and women are still thier risking thier lives for us. I'am very appreciative of all thier efforts and it does anger me that the deaths have to keep going up. I wish them all to come home, im very sorry this had to happen to al lof you, personally i have not lost anyone to death, so i cant share the same emotions as you all have, but i do have a heart and it pains me to hear this. Youbeabitch, can you tell me how to write to these men and women, i would like to take care of them and show my apreciation......


Well-known member
youbeabitch - I'm interested in talking to you about how Specktra can become involved with your efforts. (writing the soldiers, sending care packages, etc) We have a large member base and there might be interest among members in helping with these efforts.


Well-known member

That would be awesome! I will send you my e-mail information as I check my e-mail a min. of 3 times a day.


I actually got this website from when President Bush was addressing the nation from Ft. Bragg. You can look through a lot of things and get different stuff like donations and things to varying groups.

What happened with me was I told them I didn't have a group of help but I would like one soldier, well come to find out they had a group of marines and e-mailed me and I took them. I had 4 people offer to help but when the going got tough (ie: I needed money for S&H and stuff as I am barely paying my bills) they all abandoned me so I've been stretching everything so thin so I can send them stuff though so far its only been letters but I got enough money to make 215 cookies and send them off to Iraq for them!!!!



Well-known member
First off let me say im sorry for your loss. My prayers with you and there family.

Sure do ( my husband is in the Marines ) I always support them in any way I can for my husband and my country. You can raise money for that family ( go to a bank and start a fund in there name ) Fly your flag at half mass for him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
youbeabitch - I'm interested in talking to you about how Specktra can become involved with your efforts. (writing the soldiers, sending care packages, etc) We have a large member base and there might be interest among members in helping with these efforts.

Theres another organization that Ive been a part of for a very long time called OPMALE (Operation make a life enriched) that has done so many wonderful things for our troops, either on a cruise, over seas or landside.

I am so sorry for your loss, I empathize with you completely, a year or so ago a helicopter went down that had 4 of my close marine friends in it...and 9/11 I lost so many emt/firefighter/police friends that I couldnt fathom how life could go on after such horrors.

I thank God everyday for our military, without them we could be living in a state like Iraq where women are murdered for having sex without being married, or killed for getting an education, or speaking/showing their faces in public...

Also remember a lot of these people joined willingly, they know the risks, they are trained for war...There is a saying in the marines - Honor the corps first, then god, then while it really freaking sucks, and I personally hate bush for what hes doing, they did sign on for this, and they fight, live and die with honor, and true braveness.

I know personally that I could never be in the military, but I can give them my heart, and my shoulder to lean on whenever they need it.

Keep your chin up, you need to be strong because Im sure your friend wouldnt want you to be sad, but to be brave and strong like he was.


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear this. It is a good thing to know she died fighting for our country. There are so many brave men and women out there fighting for America and they just don't get enough credit. So so so sorry for your loss.


Well-known member
I'm sorry for your loss, I would die if I lose a friend *all of mine friends are pretty close*


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your support and comments. I really appreciate it. I'll just have to keep my head held high and take one day at a time.


Well-known member
I'm so horribly sorry to hear that. I wish desperately for the conflict to just be over.

It's probably really stupid, but I felt the same sort of injustice when I heard about the London bombings, about the people not being able to defend themselves. And I haven't lived there for ages.

Not sure if it'll help, but try to remind yourself that your friend passed away whilst trying to make the world a better place for many of us, strangers even, and we are thankful.