From Saturday - Kylie concert :-D


Well-known member
Oh, it´s years I posted a FotD here :-o I do make up on weekends only so it´s not really spectacular.

Last Saturday I was on an Kylie Minogue concert
It´s was great. And I liked my style a lot. What I used:

Fomplexion: Moistureblend and Fullcoverage in NC15 + Moisturecover in NW15
Cheeks: EMOTE blush for contouring + PETTICOAT MSF + LIGHTSCAPADE MSF
Lips: wasn´t the finished one, but this was LIP ERASE + PUCKER t/t
Eyebase: BLACKGROUND p/p
Highlight: VANILLA e/s
Eye: YABY yellow frost + BRIGHT FUCHSIA p/m + STATELY BLACK (RA Metallic Eyes)
Liner: PENNED f/l
Mascara: BB Everything "black"




That´s how I wore the hair in the end. The curls looked much more ugly in reality. And definitaly wouldn´t stand one hour



Well-known member
BRIGHT FUCHSIA is a must have for pink lovers. It´s so intensive and has an awsome texture...

Thanks for your nice feedback :-D I like this look a lot - like all looks based with BLACKGROUND. This causes this deep look and make the colors very bright :-D