Ganguro Kogal Japanese Girl look :) <for halloween>


Well-known member

haha so on halloween i'm going to be one of those japanese girls that looks like this

so i decided to practice!



i plan on getting a blonde wig and some crazy beads and stuff..
what do you think


Well-known member
ummm why did my FOTD get moved into Say Cheese? I am not showing off pictures of my every day life i'm showing off the makeup that I did for today and I want feedback on it.

Whats the dealy?


Well-known member
If you don't list what you used it will be moved to Say Cheese. FOTD requires a list of products.


Well-known member
You have to put the makeup products you used for it to go in FOTD

I think your pics are pretty creative


Well-known member
*giggles like crazy* I love Ganguro girls. I am so oddly fascinated with the whole look. You did a great job.


Well-known member
Looks like you got the right direction. I love Ganguro girls as well, they're so ridiculous, it's fascinating.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xJUDYx
how do they get so!?

i was gonna do this last year!

Tanning beds I imagine, or fake tans.

I was watching an episode of the BBC's Japanorama, which feature a segment on Ganguros/Kogals, and often times they just use a darker foundation or face paint. Sort of like fashionable blackface.


Well-known member
Usually fake tans, the kind in a bottle that you spread/spray all over your body - some of them do this on their face as well, others find a matching foundation (and I do mean matching; they're very particular!).

One thing, rebekah, is that they usually fake tan/paint in their natural lipline as well, and the white lipstick goes on top in a smaller, more "kissy face" sort of shape. Kind of like Clara Bow, LOL. The example pic you posted shows the lips quite clearly, if you're planning to copy that part. Also, I can't tell if it's just the bad lighting in your photos, but the edges of your white eye make-up look blended in and blurry - Ganguro girls usually like the lines sharp and contrast obvious.

Of course, this is your interpretation of the look, and if you like your version better, go for it.


Well-known member
hey silverblackened, yeah i did paint over my natural lipline, i'm not too sure what you mean.

and yes i haven't gotten the correct makeup that i will be using on halloween to really recreate the look but i plan on not smudging the eye makeup at all.

thanks guys


Well-known member
A tip, something I've seen in many Gangruo/Kogal ladies, is the use of neon pinks/greens/yellows/oranges and glitter chunks under the eyes. Something to consider...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rebekah
hey silverblackened, yeah i did paint over my natural lipline, i'm not too sure what you mean.

If you look at the example pic you posted: her white lipstick is drawn well inside her natural lip line for a smaller-looking mouth, especially on top and in the corners, whereas your lipstick seems to cover all of your lips. What I meant by painting in your natural lip line was covering the "excess space" on your lips around the smaller lipsticked area with your fake tan/foundation/whatever it is you're using on the rest of your face (not with the lipstick). Hope this was clearer!


Well-known member
One thing I noticed that the first picture had that you didn`t replicate was the location of the arch of the black, or basically the shape. You put it quite far to the outside, whereas in the first picture it`s actually pretty close to the nose. Take a look and you`ll see what I mean. As well, the white has a arch that does go more to the outside, so it kind of contrasts with the shape of the black. Hope that helped a bit.


Well-known member
Fantastic idea for Halloween! Great approach with your makeup. Helpful feedback as well.

Those girls are really just the strangest combo of Pam Anderson, blackface (not something that needs to come back) and Anime. I am curious as to how that look evolved.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Those girls are really just the strangest combo of Pam Anderson, blackface (not something that needs to come back) and Anime.

That is probably the best description I have heard of them.