getting annoooyyyed....


Well-known member
I am getting suuuppper annoyed with the resume process...

I have had managers and friends working at mac telling me to drop by, hand in resume, follow up, see the manager...blah blah blah...

I am starting to get the feeling like I'm just going in circles and getting the run around! They show soo much interest in me and keep pushing me, but still no call for an interview!? What is it gonna take just to get an interview?? I know for a fact they are hiring so...?

I read this forum all the time, and for some it's as easy as calling up the manager and BOOKING an interview!? I don't get it!!


Any ideas???


Well-known member
Patience is a virtue, my friend.

My interviewing process started over a month ago. My last interview (my demo) was two weeks ago today. I called the counter manager last Friday to check in and make sure everything was still cool and he sounded really positive and told me he'd call me back in an hour, to an hour and half. I never got a call. I didn't get a call over the weeked. I went in today (nonchalantly) to buy some paint pots and 3D glasses and he was like "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I have been totally swamped this weekend but I just need to touch bases with another manager and we will definately be calling you in the next couple of days!!"

Needless to say, they take their sweet ass time. LOL Be patient, but assertive, and not obnoxious. This will come. (I have my fingers crossed.


Well-known member
HI! Thanks for your support
I've been reading your posts as well, and it seems like they are taking forever with you - but I'm sure you got the job!

When you dropped off your resume, how long did it take for them to call you or did you call them and follow up?

Originally Posted by VioletB
Patience is a virtue, my friend.

My interviewing process started over a month ago. My last interview (my demo) was two weeks ago today. I called the counter manager last Friday to check in and make sure everything was still cool and he sounded really positive and told me he'd call me back in an hour, to an hour and half. I never got a call. I didn't get a call over the weeked. I went in today (nonchalantly) to buy some paint pots and 3D glasses and he was like "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I have been totally swamped this weekend but I just need to touch bases with another manager and we will definately be calling you in the next couple of days!!"

Needless to say, they take their sweet ass time. LOL Be patient, but assertive, and not obnoxious. This will come. (I have my fingers crossed.



Well-known member
You need to call them, not wait for a call. There are SO many people that want to work for MAC that you need to push yourself to the front. Call, after you interview drop by a thank you card, wait a few days, check in. Don't be annoying but be assertive and show how much you want it. If you wait to hear from them you probably never will. Go get em!


Well-known member
I agree with Bernadette.
Also, some people get the job in less than a week, while others wait about 6 months before getting a callback. It's also a matter of how long it takes the manager to fax resumes to the head office.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by diorgrl
HI! Thanks for your support
I've been reading your posts as well, and it seems like they are taking forever with you - but I'm sure you got the job!

When you dropped off your resume, how long did it take for them to call you or did you call them and follow up?

Acutally what happened was I went in one weekend to buy some stuff and one of the MA's complimented me on my makeup and encouraged me to apply. I filled at the application online that night and called the next couple of days. The counter manager told me that the positions had already been filled.
So I gave up.. but then, a couple weeks later, got a call from the assistant cosmetics manager and she told me they had openings at different counters (she didn't say MAC specifically) and she wanted me to come in and interview. I wasn't sure what lines were open but then at my interview she told me they had 3 positions at MAC, that's what I told her I was interested in. After a successful interview she passed my information along to the MAC counter manager and that's how this whole thing started. I think the fact that I have 5 years in at Macy's working for Lauder helped me out A LOT.

Ps.. I didn't bring in my resume until my second interview which was with the MAC counter manager.. Nordstrom has a place online where you can cut and paste it in.

Good luck and be persistant!!


Well-known member
Also, MAC stores/counters are ridiculously busy. I don't know how it is in your area, but for me, the MAC counter will be swamped while all the other counters are dead. They may not always mean to put you on the back burner, but sometimes it just calls, you know? The manager I interviewed with had to reschedule with me 2 or 3 times.
And yes, be super assertive. Like the ladies have been saying, everyone and their mother seems to want to work for MAC. The assertiveness is also a sign that you are willing to pull customers during slow days, which is another thing they look for. Obviously, don't be a pest, but definitely show them that you want this job.


Well-known member
Thanks so much girls! I just called to follow up, and the asst. manager said she "definitely" wants me to follow up with the manager when she's in....

So the managers have to send all the resumes to the head office/HR first? Who decides and calls you for the 1st interview? (group interview?) The store manager or the h/o recruiter? The h/o is in my area....



Well-known member
Oh ya and at one of the stores I handed my res. to a girl I know very well from school, and she said she put a special note on it.... what do you think she put on there? Is it a note to the recruiter to put me on the interview list...? :p