Getting hit on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
I used to be super gothic a few years ago and ALWAYS used to get hit on by guys from all walks of life - especially the clean-cut jock looking type. I guess the figure since I look freaky, I must be freaky in bed too..lmao!

Ah, I was like that as a teenager as well and got the whole clean cut jock thing as well. Now I just have a ton of tattoos and piercings and the one thing I used to have to worry about when dating was if that person only liked me because I'm a novelty to save them from their boring life. Things that always pissed me off were "oh...i always wanted to date a punk/goth/tattooed girl"
Thank god I'm off the market and don't have to worry about that too much anymore except from guys that try to hit on me just to try to sleep with me.

I always get the "oh. I like your tattoos, you know I'm thinking about getting one someday..." as a conversation starter even though I know they aren't. I generally reply with "oh yeah? There's a tattoo parlor not too far from here, let's go!" No one ever does though. Boo.

Also, some people just have the most cliche pickup lines: "you wanna go have some fun?" "I don't want your fun".


Well-known member
This thread makes me feel better I thought I was the only one. Most of my creepers happen to me while I'm at work.

I was putting something out on the sales floor when I see this couple shopping. They were holding hands and acting affection and I didn't think much of it. I happen to be right by them putting something out and the guy, no joke, maybe 3 feet away from him wife comes up behind me and asks for my number. I was in shock. The balls on this guy were huge that he had no problem standing right next to his wife/gf and felt the need to walk up behind me and ask me that! I told him I was married and walked away. Had I not worried about the reprecussions I would have told his wife, but sadly I can't afford to lose my job.

Another time this weird guy that comes in with a headset attached to his head and riding a bike comes to my department and starts chatting with me. Now I HATE my job but I can fake a smile like it's no1's business so I continue waiting on him and he says "You're very pretty, and one of my anime characters has your name. Would you like to go out sometime?" lmao Sorry I'm married ( I'm not but that's the best excuse)

One time this guy came in and he looked just like Big from that Mtv show Rob and Big. He was this big, black teddy bear looking guy. He walked up to me and was asking me about cakes and cupcakes and then said something along the lines of what he wants he can't buy. So I know what this means and I was just like 'O well if there is something I can help u with let me know" than he procedes to ask if I have a boyfriend, I tell him yes and he says " Well we don't have to do anything, we can just play playstation" lol. Apparently he seen me outside on my break and went and asked one of the cashiers who I was and if I had a boyfriend. He didn't creep me out, he was adorable cuz he was sweet as pie yet he was this BIG dude that looked like he could rough someone up.

And the absolutle worst of them all was this guy that I was waiting on said "Can I ask you a question" so I say sure.... and he goes "Would you go out with me?" and mind u this guy had a cut off shirt, a curly mullet and wasn't the most socially savy. I tell him sorry I have a boyfriend. Well then he asks me " Well if you didn't would u date me?" lmao really dude? So I tried to say something along the lines of if I can help you with anything else let me know and I walk away. Well for the next 2 months he would come in the store and walk around, not purchase anything but would wait to see me say hi you remember me? and then leave. What scared me was he was always hanging around the store at the time I was scheduled to leave, so out of fear he was gonna kidnap me I would hang out in the back and wait for my boyfriend to escort me out.

I haven't seen that dude in like 2 months, so hopefully he found another person to stalk.

Now if only Brad Pitt or one of the Red Wings would come in and hit on me I wouldn't be that upset lol

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I get hit on a daily basis! I have no idea why, maybe because I work with men 99% of the time. I've learned over time to distinguish between ppl that are just trying to be funny and perverts!

I have way to many stories to share them on here though so I just post the most recent one (yesterday):

I was on a site waiting for a training session to start and this guy shows up acting like he owns the place. I'd never met him so I sorta briefly looked at him. He goes: "you're wondering where you know me from? You know me from porn! I kidnapped you and we acted in it together!" :/ What the frig do you say to that??? I just ignored him from then on

and he wouldn't stop staring at me the entire time during the rest of training...arghhh sometimes I hate men!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I get hit on a daily basis! I have no idea why, maybe because I work with men 99% of the time. I've learned over time to distinguish between ppl that are just trying to be funny and perverts!

I have way to many stories to share them on here though so I just post the most recent one (yesterday):

I was on a site waiting for a training session to start and this guy shows up acting like he owns the place. I'd never met him so I sorta briefly looked at him. He goes: "you're wondering where you know me from? You know me from porn! I kidnapped you and we acted in it together!" :/ What the frig do you say to that??? I just ignored him from then on

and he wouldn't stop staring at me the entire time during the rest of training...arghhh sometimes I hate men!

what a weirdo!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I get hit on a daily basis! I have no idea why, maybe because I work with men 99% of the time. I've learned over time to distinguish between ppl that are just trying to be funny and perverts!

I have way to many stories to share them on here though so I just post the most recent one (yesterday):

I was on a site waiting for a training session to start and this guy shows up acting like he owns the place. I'd never met him so I sorta briefly looked at him. He goes: "you're wondering where you know me from? You know me from porn! I kidnapped you and we acted in it together!" :/ What the frig do you say to that??? I just ignored him from then on

and he wouldn't stop staring at me the entire time during the rest of training...arghhh sometimes I hate men!

That seriously made me LOL!

Seriously, what DO you say after that?!

My friend was sorta seeing this guy before and I had never met him. I finally did meet him and was like, Oh Hi, you're my roommate's friend - you know, ___name___? And he was like, "Yeah, I know who you are. I've seen you leave your apartment building while I was outside in my car".

I actually said, "Thats creepy" and walked away lol.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tinkerbell4726
This thread makes me feel better I thought I was the only one. Most of my creepers happen to me while I'm at work.

I was putting something out on the sales floor when I see this couple shopping. They were holding hands and acting affection and I didn't think much of it. I happen to be right by them putting something out and the guy, no joke, maybe 3 feet away from him wife comes up behind me and asks for my number. I was in shock. The balls on this guy were huge that he had no problem standing right next to his wife/gf and felt the need to walk up behind me and ask me that! I told him I was married and walked away. Had I not worried about the reprecussions I would have told his wife, but sadly I can't afford to lose my job.

Another time this weird guy that comes in with a headset attached to his head and riding a bike comes to my department and starts chatting with me. Now I HATE my job but I can fake a smile like it's no1's business so I continue waiting on him and he says "You're very pretty, and one of my anime characters has your name. Would you like to go out sometime?" lmao Sorry I'm married ( I'm not but that's the best excuse)

One time this guy came in and he looked just like Big from that Mtv show Rob and Big. He was this big, black teddy bear looking guy. He walked up to me and was asking me about cakes and cupcakes and then said something along the lines of what he wants he can't buy. So I know what this means and I was just like 'O well if there is something I can help u with let me know" than he procedes to ask if I have a boyfriend, I tell him yes and he says " Well we don't have to do anything, we can just play playstation" lol. Apparently he seen me outside on my break and went and asked one of the cashiers who I was and if I had a boyfriend. He didn't creep me out, he was adorable cuz he was sweet as pie yet he was this BIG dude that looked like he could rough someone up.

And the absolutle worst of them all was this guy that I was waiting on said "Can I ask you a question" so I say sure.... and he goes "Would you go out with me?" and mind u this guy had a cut off shirt, a curly mullet and wasn't the most socially savy. I tell him sorry I have a boyfriend. Well then he asks me " Well if you didn't would u date me?" lmao really dude? So I tried to say something along the lines of if I can help you with anything else let me know and I walk away. Well for the next 2 months he would come in the store and walk around, not purchase anything but would wait to see me say hi you remember me? and then leave. What scared me was he was always hanging around the store at the time I was scheduled to leave, so out of fear he was gonna kidnap me I would hang out in the back and wait for my boyfriend to escort me out.

I haven't seen that dude in like 2 months, so hopefully he found another person to stalk.

Now if only Brad Pitt or one of the Red Wings would come in and hit on me I wouldn't be that upset lol

Haha wow some guys are like that. One guy asked for my number when his wife left and she came back and had he said anything else I would have written down a fake number and said this is what your husband asked for.

I actually had 2 men argue over me when they asked if I'd come back and clean theirhouses when they saw me cleaning up a bit. I told them I wasnt interested in cleaning either of their homes and backed away from them, very awkward.


Well-known member
It happens to me quite a bit now that I live in NYC and walk to the subway in a hood sort of area, always lots of guys hanging out on the corners. I wonder if it gets TIRING to constantly try to holla at girls??

Here are a couple hilarious pics from back when Myspace was the way to try to pick up chicks:




Well-known member
haha, myspace was the best for creepy guys hitting on girls.

I like how the last one was prepared with xanax, weed, and alcohol.


Well-known member
Oh man, these are hilarious.

My first week down in college I was walking downtown to pick up something from walgreens when this guy was trying to get my attention. I look over and it's some homeless man w/ overalls and bleached blonde hair. He asked if I wanted to go with him to the bars later and I said no, I was only 19 and he was like "no prob babe I can get you in" I'm like uhhh no thanks. Just trying to be polite but jeeze! Wouldn't let up. I didn't want to be rude and ended up hearing his whole lifes story.

Lol not quite sure how he coculd afford to go to the bars had I said yeah!

To make things better I actually saw him a few months ago, still at the same corner and I think he recognized me. >_<


Well-known member
looooooooool i hate creepy people they scare me D: its like youd pretend not to notice them until they follow you for a block yelling HEY HEY! i am obviously trying to ignore you, go away please

btw, what is xanex?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
looooooooool i hate creepy people they scare me D: its like youd pretend not to notice them until they follow you for a block yelling HEY HEY! i am obviously trying to ignore you, go away please

btw, what is xanex?

Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug that is sometimes used recreationally as a sedative.