Getting to know the locals


Well-known member
From what I can tell there is about a dozen or so regulars in the Australian chatter area and a few that pop in fairly often. What I thought could be fun would be getting to know you all outside of all the 'makeup talk'. I chat on here almost every day but I don't really know that much about anyone! (expect for who's more in love with lippies and e/s etc)

So I thought'd I'd do a up a bit of a list of questions to answer and we could each copy and past and then add our own answers! You don't have to answer them all and if you have a question you want answered please add it! Only reveal as much as you like or just glaze over.

So I'll start to get the ball rolling.

First Name: Robyn (been called rockin for a loooong time)

Age: 27

Occupation: Boring desk job looking after warranties

Dream Job: Working on film sets in anyway

Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing most of the time but sometimes shy

Other Obsession/s: Shoes! I can't get enough, the higher the better and kitchen appliances, I love to play in the kitchen wearing my pretty shoes

Favorite Food: Probably a toss up between Indian and Seafood

Car I drive: 99 Holden Astra

Car I WANT to drive: BMW

Favorite singer/band: Lots to choose but have to be Scissor Sisters

Favorite Film/s: Anything by Tim Burton, Steel Magnolias, Some Like it Hot, The Usual Suspects, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days the list goes on and on!

The one thing I couldn't live without: My family

Been overseas and where: USA a couple of years ago, absolutely loved it!

One thing I want to do before I die: Probably a bit cliche but I really want to sky dive. I'm still sure I'd pee myself though!

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): Mens boxer shorts, I still don't know why but they were great to sleep in!

Celebrity you love: Kate Hudson, so lovely

Celebrity you can't stand: Paris Hilton



Well-known member
First Name: Natalie

Occupation: Artist (not the BS kind)

Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing

Other Obsession/s: Louis Vuitton handbags, Shoes, Girly clothes (lots of laces and bows lol), Fashion in general and fitness

Favorite Food: Sushi and Korean food!

Car I WANT to drive: Nothing really.. Had expensive cars before and they just depreciate way too much at the end. I rather have House I WANT to live now lol..

Favorite Film/s: Notting Hill, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter..

Been overseas and where: Korea/USA/Canada/Japan/Malaysia

One thing I want to do before I die: Learn to play Sexaphone

Celebrity you love: Julia Roberts

Celebrity you can't stand: Sharon Osbourne


Well-known member
This looks like a great idea, we all talk so much and I know some of your faces but it would be good to know each other better!

First Name: Mel

Age: 22

Occupation: Let's just say waitress... okay I work at Hj's, I really hate it though!

Dream Job: Makeup Artist

Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing, but really shy around new people.

Other Obsession/s: Food and sleep haha... No, I don't think I really have any other obsessions, maybe just my cat!

Favorite Food: Anything with Chicken and chocolate! OMG and sushi!

Car I drive: My legs...

Car I WANT to drive: VW beetle in black or Jeep Wrangler Sport 2 door in black

Favorite singer/band: Rihanna and Ashlee Simpson ATM (changes often!)

Favorite Film/s: Big list here too! The Notebook, Mean Girls, Se7en, Ronin, Zoolander, Troy.... I'll stop!

The one thing I couldn't live without: My cat and makeup

Been overseas and where: Originally a New Zealander, been here for 3 1/2 years!

One thing I want to do before I die: Eat a massive cake (must be mudcake haha) whilst wearing my dream wedding dress in bed... sounds really crazy haha. And I don't want to get married... don't ask, weird fantasy...

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): I've never stolen a thing in my life! Truth!

Celebrity you love: Christina Aguilera and Hilary Duff

Celebrity you can't stand: Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton...

God I sound so pathetic and fat and lazy! I swear I'm not! And really girly too haha... that parts true!


Well-known member
Didn't think you sound pathetic, fat and lazy, Mel! Hmm mudcake.. yumm
I had VW Beetle in metalic blue and that was the best car I ever had!


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First Name: Michelle

Age: 22

Occupation: I'm a full time Arts/Law student and part time receptionist. I hate it. (Where I work, not being a receptionist).

Dream Job: I don't know what I want to be yet!

Shy or Outgoing: Usually very loud and talkative but sometimes I go quiet!

Other Obsession/s: I'm another one for shoes, but due to tight budgets I can only afford my MAC obsession haha.

Favorite Food: Hmm I think no matter what diet I am on, I always miss eating pizza. So that must be it!

Car I drive: Honda Prelude

Car I WANT to drive: I always wanted a prelude and I got one.. so now I don't know LOL. Maybe a porsche or something one day haha.

Favorite singer/band: Too many to name.. Mariah Carey is certainly up there.

Favorite Film/s: All the Hannibal movies!

The one thing I couldn't live without: Music.

Been overseas and where: Indonesia and Israel

Celebrity you love: Angelina Jolie (coz she's just so perfect!)


Well-known member
First Name: Tina

Age: 24

Occupation: Well I just left my accounting job, and I have a trial tomorrow at a wedding retail store where they do wedding coordinating too!

Dream Job: Vet or MUA.

Shy or Outgoing: Somewhere in the middle.

Other Obsession/s: Shoes and clothes.

Favorite Food: Chocolate, lollies, pasta, rice.

Car I drive: 98 Ford Festiva.

Car I WANT to drive: Mitsubishi Evo X

Favorite singer/band: Lily Allen at the moment, but I have lots I love!

Favorite Film/s: I love chick flicks. My fave is Legally Blonde 2 where she makes animal testing illegal.

The one thing I couldn't live without: My hubby, my mum and pets. Sorry that is more than one but I couldn't pick just one.

Been overseas and where: Nowhere as yet!

One thing I want to do before I die: Make a difference to the lives of animals.

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): The only thing I have shoplifted is a Chuppa Chup when I was about 11!

Celebrity you love: Scarlett Johanssen.

Celebrity you can't stand: Tom Cruise.


Well-known member
I had to laugh, because only thing I remember about Hannibal movie is the last bit - eating brain..


Well-known member
Great idea!

First Name: Anita

Age: 27

Occupation: Marketing - Assistant Brand Manager

Dream Job: Marketing for a cosmetics brand

Shy or Outgoing: Shy around people I don't know well

Other Obsession/s: Makeup is the one and only

Favorite Food: Donuts

Car I drive: Toyota Corolla

Car I WANT to drive: Don't care as long as its cost/fuel efficient

Favorite singer/band: Couldn't pick

Favorite Film/s: The Notebook

The one thing I couldn't live without: My husband

Been overseas and where: Lived in USA & Chile. Currently in NZ, about to move to the UK. Holidays: France, Germany, Australia, Malaysia, China/HK, Argentina, Philippines, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, Cook Islands, UK.

One thing I want to do before I die: Eat M&Ms in space

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): I once stole a plastic flower from Mitre 10 aged 4. I thought the police were going to come get me

Celebrity you love: Michael Vartan... mmm

Celebrity you can't stand: Michael Jackson creeps me out


Well-known member
First Name: Jenny

Age: 27

Occupation: Sales Support Co-ordinator (Accounts Receivable, contracts, etc) and I work at an IT company

Dream Job: not sure yet... high level executive... I am currently working on my career path with my boss and steps as to how I'll get there

Shy or Outgoing: Generally outgoing but initially reserved (sometimes)

Other Obsession/s: Cooking/Baking

Favorite Food: Camembert/Brie yummo! (especially fried

Car I drive: 2001 Commodore Sedan or 2000 Commodore Wagon (both white lol)

Car I WANT to drive: I wouldnt say no to a Bugatti Veyron, but failing that a Chrysler 300C would be nice

Favorite singer/band: Evanesence

Favorite Film/s: Rose Red by Stephen King (but I also love the Hannibal movies!!)

The one thing I couldn't live without: My husband

Been overseas and where: UAE, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Switzerland, France

One thing I want to do before I die: grow old!

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): Caramello Koala lol...

Celebrity you love: hmmm.... probably Angelina Jolie

Celebrity you can't stand: Paris Hilton!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Haha Nat.. I'm a bit of a psycho beneath the make up LOL

you're in good company then hun!


Well-known member
Mel - you dont happen to work at the HJ's on Port Road @ Beverley do you??

If so that would be soooooo weird... that HJ's is at the end of my street!!!


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First Name: Tanya

Age: 21

Occupation: Student and Bunnings activity co-ordinator-- i organise the fun stuff, events i facepaint do balloons dress up its a laugh

Dream Job: Policy advisor in the social work area- thats what im studying to be and i can't wait go the politics

Shy or Outgoing: shy but at home im loud as

Other Obsession/s: atm wedding stuff im getting married next year so everything is wedding wedding wedding

Favorite Food: pizza

Car I drive: Im on my L's but when I do drive it will be a 1999 ford laser

Car I WANT to drive: a red 67 chevy with cream leather seats (love the classics)

Favorite singer/band: Nickelback

Favorite Film/s: Resident evil series

The one thing I couldn't live without: my partner

Been overseas and where: i was born in Wales in the UK, have lived in England Scotland, Hong Kong and have travelled to Singapore, America, Paris, Bali- (my parents were in the RAF)

One thing I want to do before I die: own a farm i love animals

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): toothpaste

Celebrity you love: Queen Latifah

Celebrity you can't stand: Lindsey Lohan closley followed by Paris


Well-known member
Haha! This is a GREAT idea!!

First Name: Jan-lee - but seriously - all my family actually call me panda :|

Age: 33

Occupation: Until January I WAS a 2nd year medical student at newcastle, now burnt out after 10 years of study, 7 years of nursing, 2 years of social work and 2 years of med I am currently doing NOTHING - for the first time ever
Now just a happy mum to my babies for the time being

Dream Job: maybe go back to med next year, maybe not..... wait and see, thinking of going to ambos actually

Shy or Outgoing: Definitely shy.... confident, but shy

Other Obsession/s: none - makeup is it really

Favorite Food: oh Thai for sure!!

Car I drive: 99 Holden Commodore, before that commodore, and before that even commodore....LOLOL!!

Car I WANT to drive: Beamers are overrated....LOLOL.... honestly I dont really care, I just want another V8 - my very first car was a V8, I grew up in a V8
hehehe.... but they dont run cheap

Favorite singer/band: none - I'm a music butterfly

Favorite Film/s: I like psych thillers, any will do
I like a lot of aussie films - Oyster Farmer was one of the best portrayals of aussie humour I have ever seen and i LOVE this film! One Night The Moon is def my favourite short film though for those of you who watch them

The one thing I couldn't live without: My kids

Been overseas and where: Not int yet, but spent some time cruising the whittsundays which was gorgeous! Oh - and I simply adore Melb - no offense to sydneysiders, melbournites are MUCH friendlier
I love it down there!!

One thing I want to do before I die: dont really know, travel OS I guess

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): none, crikey my dad would have skinned me alive if I ever did that :|

Celebrity you love: Olivia NJ - she seems so sweet all the time

Celebrity you can't stand: Paris Hilton... reminds me of a gutter skank but with $...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Car I WANT to drive: Beamers are overrated....LOLOL....

I agree

I couldn't think of any car that I want to drive before, but if I don't have to pay for it, I don't mind Audi Q7 with all the trimmings and gadgets


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I simply adore Melb - no offense to sydneysiders, melbournites are MUCH friendlier
I love it down there!!..

You are totally right about that too
Okay, I am totally biased!

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