Girls Aloud - Can't speak French


Well-known member

Perhaps this is more applicable to people in the UK but I saw Girls Aloud's new video today and although the costumes were a bit bizarre I quite like the song. I also totally loved their makeup. It looked polishes as usual. I was looking at Nadine, Kimberley and Nicola's makeup and I was reminded of the N collection. I really like it.

Nicola's cheeks looked like she was wearing Light Flush MSF perhaps. Nadine's lipstick look like perhaps 2N or 3N. Am I wrong?

Video link:

YouTube - Girls Aloud - Can't Speak French [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

I really loved Kimberley's eye makeup but I'm not sure what it is. Any ideas?

For those that don't know, she's the on left with the yellow dress as the video starts. In the individual singing bits, Nadine is first, then there's a glimpse of Cheryl and Kimberley comes in third at about 22 seconds.



Well-known member
I'm not sure either, the lips are similar to the N collection shades though I agree.

I actually don't really think Nicola looks that good compared to the other girls, her look just doesn't strike you as much.


Well-known member
I saw those photos on the Daily Mail website too.
Except for I don't think Kimberley's wearing that glittery stuff on her face in the video.

Yeah I agree Nicola looks too pink and it clashes with her hair. Nadine and Kimberley look the best. I prefer Kimberley's eye makeup looks great.