Girls who wear glasses (I know you're out there!)


Active member
"Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses"... NOT!!

What are some shades & techniques you use to make your eyes stand out from behind your specs?

I use an eyelash curler for dramatic looks, in addition to making my lashes stand out, it prevents them from batting against my glasses when I really pile on the mascara.

PS - VuittonVictim, you have the coolest glasses! Very euro.


Well-known member
I just wear makeup like I normally do.*shrugs*I got the whole emo kid glasses going on because I was on ma, and they were the only non hideous ones they had. I used to wear contacts which actually limited my eye make up a bit, but my eyes developed an aversion to them. Yuck.. Should I be wearing it extra thick to stick out a little more? or less? Now I'm worrying. :/


Active member
I don't think you have to start applying your eye makeup with a butter knife or anything! However, if you wear glasses for nearsighted-ness, they make your eyes appear smaller. It's like the opposite effect of how some people's eyes look really huge behind their glasses.
I have a really strong prescription & small eyes to begin's just one of those things that occupy my mind.


Well-known member
I have rather large black rectangular frames, and I honestly don't do anything different. Honestly, the best thing to do for your makeup with glasses is to just keep your glasses clean!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leopard_print
PS - VuittonVictim, you have the coolest glasses! Very euro.

Aww thanks honey!!! I remember one time somebody here at Specktra called me "Vintage Granny"
And btw. my glasses are Dior!

And moonrevel you're right!!

I don't do anything special but maybe my FOTD can help you! I'm still trying to do this as a Tutorial!


Well-known member
I am one of the glasses sisterhood and I like the vintagey, black framed styles. I tend to wear more colorful or smokier looks with a lot of mascara when I wear glasses. Even though the glasses are a main focal point on my face, I still want my eyes to stand out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leopard_print
"Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses"

Whoever came up with that quote is just jealous!
I get passes even though I wear glasses, thank you very much!

My glasses have thin black frames, so they're not very prominent anyway. But I like wearing bright colours that bring out my brown eyes, like vibrant aquas, teals and greens. It works for me!


Well-known member
i usually only wear makeup when i have my contacts in, which has not been too much lately due to my lovely allergies...but i've decided i need to start wearing it no matter what since i have enough makeup to last a lifetime and my buying habit isn't dying down lol.

no special techniques or anything, my glasses have smaller lenses with a thin burgundy frame, so like exodus they don't distract too much from what makeup i'm wearing.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Aww thanks honey!!! I remember one time somebody here at Specktra called me "Vintage Granny"
And btw. my glasses are Dior!

And moonrevel you're right!!

I don't do anything special but maybe my FOTD can help you! I'm still trying to do this as a Tutorial!

Haha, it was me VV who called them that!! I freakin' love your glasses!
I have three pairs of glasses (none as cool as yours) and all are thick plastic frames, one black, red and light brown and never wear makeup when I wear my glasses b/c my eyelashes always hit the lenses


Well-known member
i have glasses (which i lost for the moment-- gotta go buy new ones) and strangely enough my boyfriend thinks i look hotter with them on. they're black plastic rims. i tend to wear my eye makeup a bit heavier with them on- anything to make my really badly nearsighted, tiny asian eyes pop.