Gladiola/Neutral Cut Crease/Pin-upesque


Well-known member
This is acutually from saturday night, ive been meaning to post it in here but i didnt get around to it before now. This pictures are fairly shite because they were taken on my phone as an after though. Its also my first go at doing a cut crease and god damn its hard!!!!!

I brought some studio tech last week in hopes that it would help me cover the bruising better! and it did thank god so that in NC15
Studio Fix powder in NW15
Refined Golden Bronzer
Peaches Blush

Vanilla shadow
random brown eye pencil
Dark edge
Stain taupe
Crystal Avalance
Blacktrack fluidline
Fasinating eyekhol
Random falsies

NYX Barbie pink lip pencil
Gladiola L/s



Well-known member
Gladiola looks amazing on you!


Well-known member
For something you thought was hard, you certainly nailed it. The crease looks killer.

And Gladiola really is lovely on you ... you have an amazing shape to your lower lip.


Well-known member
I LOVE this!!! Your skin looks beautiful btw. You should post a tutorial on this. I would love to figure out how to do that crease.