Gleaming Pickles ;)


Well-known member
Here is my FOTD from yesterday. I have had this awsome chromezone 1 quad and have really only used gleam in it. Well I decided to use the whole darn thing yesterday and I think it turned out great! And this is my first time using a CCB. What do you think?

(and yes, I know my brows need to be redone. I plan on doing that at somepoint this week.)


MAC Studio Fix NW15
NARS Laguna Bronzer
MAC Cheeky Peach CCB

UD Primer Potion all over
MAC Gleam on bottom part of lid
MAC Pickle on lid and crease
MAC Brule to highlite
MAC Mystery on lower lashline and waterline
MAC Rich Ground f/l on top lashline
CG LAsh Exact mascara in brown

Jordana Coral Ice l/l
MAC Peachstock l/s
MAC Pink Grapefruit l/g


Well-known member
the colors are good, they being out your eyes. The only things i would suggest is work on your blending and touch up your eyebrows (they're a great shape already). After you do that you're set girl