Going on a shopping spree!!! (+ a little about me)


Active member
What are some items that every girl must have?

What cosmetic item(s) do you wish you knew about when you first started doing makeup?

What's your favorite MAC product(s) & why?

Any other advice/suggestions?

The rest of this I'm just rambling on about me, you don't have to read!

I made a post when I first joined, but I have really told my story. I'm 20 and I've just recently been starting to get into actually doing girl things and what not. I''ve done my make up for years, I do atleast something with my hair, I get my nails and eyebrows done, and I've sorta kinda always dressed somewhat decent. Just never really had the money to go out to the mall and and do some serious shopping! Plus I don't have that much sense of style, haha.

For once in my life I will be able to buy whatever I want. I'm setting a 2-3K limit just because its money I shouldn't really spend, but I've NEVER been able to go in a store and not have to think "I shouldn't get this because this money should go towards..." To some it may be a lot, to others it won't be enough.

For me, I'm the happiest girl alive! Except on the topic of how I'm able to spend this money. My father past away last year (unfortuneatly as well as many other friends and family) and he had life insurance. Anywho, I'm greatful that I'm going to be able to do this, it just sucks because I never knew my father and I've always wanted, once I got out on my own and was actually able to go and see him. I won't ever have that opportunity, but I know that he knows why I couldn't before and that I did think about him. I'm sorry if thats so not meant for forum but I just had to get that out!


Well-known member
hi sweetie,

i was just wondering what is your skintone (color)? because this will help me with somethings i am about to recommend to you.
Plus, I am an pro mac girl, so really suggest you go to the mac counters. dont buy everything at once, purchase one or two items and get to know the artist and than you know which one you can trust and that person, who you feel a connection with is the one you have help you with your makeup super purchase!!! that is exactly what i did when i lived near a MAC area.

and i love my MUA there!!!!


Active member
*I just know this will turn into a double post, has anyone else having problems with the forum loading and missing posts? Also, I just want to add in no way am I trying to brag that I get to do this, so please no one get offended or anything!*

Sorry if the pics are too big, I have 1280x1024 screen resolution.

I forgot to mention a lot of things but I felt like I had way too much! I already know for sure I want to get the 88 Shimmer Palette, the black and white gel liners, and some brushes from CS, UDPP, Coppering, Shroom, Carbon, Rubenesque or Bare Study, and 1 or maybe 2 (each) e/s, paint pots, pigments, and brushes from MAC. Plus a few other things that I just might happen to like. I plan on going to look at all the colors listed, but buy those online and just buy at the store a few things.

The only MAC I own is this years warm holiday pigments and the 217. Which that brush in fact is going to take me some getting used to. To me, it looks like it puts the color on as a wash rather than blending it. I prefer to use my Everyday Minerals eyeshadow brush. It looks like the 239, not sure how they compare!

I do like to wear more neutral e/s for everyday rather than bright colors. I think thats just because I'm not used to seeing them on me, but I LOVE working with all colors and doing crazy looks at home.

This is me with no makeup and scary eyebrows, eek! We were going to the beach, not the laundry mat! LOL

And no make up for that horrificness! I had to work on Halloween, at the time I was at Piercing Pagoda so I couldn't go too crazy. I even had to take some of my dreads out, I think they look awful because there isn't enough! I think its just this picture, too much purple, but my face looks a different color than my neck and chest.
All makeup is Everyday Minerals:
Medium Summer Intensive (foundation)
Majestic Night (e/s)
Feathers (highlight)


Well-known member
I think the best thing for you to do would be to book an appointment with the nearest MAC counter to you. That way you can explain to you MUA what you are looking for and she/he will also suggest products that will work best for you.

Start out getting a foundation matched to your skintone and then you can complement this with few eyeshadows, blushes, lip glosses/lip sticks, etc...

Try and buy a couple of things at a time, that way you will find what colours suit you and which to avoid.

I recommend you getting the 182, 187, 222 and 239. Those are the main brushes I use everyday.

I hope that helps somewhat, good luck with your shopping!


Active member
Why aren't my posts posting?! I typed SO much last night and I thought it would show up later, but its not! I even posted it twice!

OMG, I love this forum, but this hidden post, then your million repost showing up is insane!


Well-known member
I would suggest getting Blacktrack fluidline, 187 brush and checking out Ladyblush and lilicent blush cremes, springsheen, pinch o peach powder blushes and MSF Natural.


Well-known member
I don't want to sound like a Mother here...I don't want to rain on your parade...BUUUUTTT....If I were you (I'm not..I know..but if I were), I would only spend mayyyybe $500.00 on makeup. That is MORE than enough...

I'll tell ya...my Mother died a few years ago. She left two houses and about $1,000,000 (plus what my two sisters and I got from her Wrongful Dead suit on the hospital that killed her). I got a house, and money...But I put it in CD's, savings, etc. Yes...I took a vacation...actually I took a few vacations..But, vacations are MEMORIES you'll never forget. Makeup is, well...makeup.

Go ahead...treat yourself...A LITTLE bit. Put the rest away. You are young...Money doesn't come easily. You need to be aware that in the future, that money could really come in handy. I say this because besides the vacations, I also spent a lot more than I should have on silly things (yes, I put a lot in savings, but I also spent a lot), and I WISH more than anything that I could have it to do all over again...I would have still taken the vacations, but all that other silly stuff I bought...NOPE. I would not do it again if I had it to do over.

Now, I don't know how much your Dad left. If it's $10,000,000, by all means; spend the 2g's on makeup. But...if it's the typical life-insurance payout, I would go sparingly with it.

I know it's probably not any of my business, but I wouldn't want you to someday wish you'd put that money into an account (earning interest), rather than spending it on makeup. In the end, it's your money; it's your choice. Just promise me you'll think about it? OK?

Other than that, no matter WHAT amount of money you choose to spend, make sure the sales girls don't know you have a ton of it to throw away in the store...otherwise, many of them (not ALL, but many) will take advantage of you, and talk you into spending all sorts of money on things you won't/don't need.



Active member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
I don't want to sound like a Mother here...I don't want to rain on your parade...BUUUUTTT....If I were you (I'm not..I know..but if I were), I would only spend mayyyybe $500.00 on makeup. That is MORE than enough...

I'll tell ya...my Mother died a few years ago. She left two houses and about $1,000,000 (plus what my two sisters and I got from her Wrongful Dead suit on the hospital that killed her). I got a house, and money...But I put it in CD's, savings, etc. Yes...I took a vacation...actually I took a few vacations..But, vacations are MEMORIES you'll never forget. Makeup is, well...makeup.

Go ahead...treat yourself...A LITTLE bit. Put the rest away. You are young...Money doesn't come easily. You need to be aware that in the future, that money could really come in handy. I say this because besides the vacations, I also spent a lot more than I should have on silly things (yes, I put a lot in savings, but I also spent a lot), and I WISH more than anything that I could have it to do all over again...I would have still taken the vacations, but all that other silly stuff I bought...NOPE. I would not do it again if I had it to do over.

Now, I don't know how much your Dad left. If it's $10,000,000, by all means; spend the 2g's on makeup. But...if it's the typical life-insurance payout, I would go sparingly with it.

I know it's probably not any of my business, but I wouldn't want you to someday wish you'd put that money into an account (earning interest), rather than spending it on makeup. In the end, it's your money; it's your choice. Just promise me you'll think about it? OK?

Other than that, no matter WHAT amount of money you choose to spend, make sure the sales girls don't know you have a ton of it to throw away in the store...otherwise, many of them (not ALL, but many) will take advantage of you, and talk you into spending all sorts of money on things you won't/don't need.


Oh yes, I am putting the majority of it in a CD. The 2-3k I said isn't for makeup only, it for everything else I want/need as well. The only things that I'm going to really spend anything on is some new makeup, clothes, maybe a nice dinner or two, do some nice things for my parents, and maybe a few other little things that I'm not aware of haha.

I also want to get a mac book or something. I'm starting to despise windows! I need a laptop because I'm going back to college in the fall and I don't think my sick computer will last that long. But other than that, I'm not spending much of it. I have no clue whats going to happen to me and my family in the next couple of years, and I need to keep that money incase we need it.

And as far as when I go to MAC, yea I'm not telling them shit. I'm not trying to be rude so please no MUA take offense! The one and only time I've ever been in a MAC store, the girl was nice, asked if I needed help, told me about the sale, and then left me alone. She probably knew my broke ass wasn't buying shit, but thats great!

I'd like to feel like I can go to them, not they're down my throat trying to make me buy something. I understand you do have to sell, its part of the job. But some poor people do come in, and would just like to look and wish! This is actually most of the reason why I quit my job at Piercing Pagoda, because I wasn't forcing people to buy things or yelling from the kiosk at people. I HATE that and it makes you look so desperate for a sale. People need to see you as friendly and helpful, not pushy and needy.

Hopefully I'll get that nice girl again but if I get a sale forcer, I'll most definatly say something. I just want to go in and look around first, see the beauuutiful e/s in person, decide what I want and then let them know. I might have to
Haha, j/k.

**Ready for this post not to show up for 2 days, but now that I've mentioned it, it will show up.**


Well-known member
I'd say that if you get the 88 shimmer palette and the normal 88 shadow palette from CS, you should have PLENTY of shadows to start with. Carbon is just a matte black, shroom is simply a highlighter - for the money you'd spend on those two MAC shadows, buying the second CS palette instead would give you a LOT more options. Then, you can see after those palettes what colours MAC might have that you want that aren't in them.

You really only need one eyeshadow base (says the base addict...), at least initially. At most, one matte one and one shimmery one. Along with these, to finish out the eyes, you'll just need some mascara and eyeliner - black and brown are probably all you will need, as you can always use shadows as liner if you want colourful ones. You may also want to find something suitable to fill in your brows, as it helps to polish off a complete look.

Another good alternative for brushes other than CS is crown brushes (crownbrush.biz). Inexpensive but good. MAC brushes are definitely not a must, but if you're going to go for MAC brushes the big three which seem to be the most versatile and widely-loved are the 217 (which you already have!), the 187 and the 109.

The thing you haven't mentioned here that is essential is SKINCARE. You will want to find good, full skincare suitable for your skin. It's always important to take care of your body properly.

Then, really, some basics such as foundation, concealer if needed, powder, face primer. You haven't mentioned any lip stuff, so it doesn't sound like a huge interest, but if you have some interest you really only need three colours (a pink, a nude and then something bolder, like a red) in lipstick or gloss.

This gives you a really versatile collection for not a ton of money. 2-3k is a lot of money, but it doesn't go far, and makeup gets expensive FAST. Especially considering how many other things you want to fit in on that budget, I wouldn't go overboard on the cosmetics.

I hope this helps!