Gold PhotoShoot


Well-known member
Hey ladies and gents, just thought id post some pics from a photoshoot i just did the hair and make up for. Nothing ground breaking, jsut pretty and natural with amazing lashes. Please keep in mind that these are pre-photoshop so there are some paint smears that need to be removed from her face...

American Beauty foundation
NC15 Studio Fix Fluid
EverSun Blush
Peaches Blush
Petticoat MSF
Random brown estee lauder shadow

Vanilla Pigment
Copperplate shadow
Soba shadow
Gesso shadow
crystal avalance shadow
Blacktrack fluidline
mac lashes that i cant remember the number of

Summerfruit lipliner
bodyshop lipliner that the name has worn off but is a peach highlight shade
Myth lipstick

All CC wanted



Well-known member
she looks great!! you did a wonderful job


Well-known member
Those lashes are fantastic! Love the lip color you used on her and kudos to whoever picked the model... she was earthy enough to be covered in goop and her hair was perfect for the gold theme.


Well-known member
the body? she has some spray on tan on... sunfx tan in a can and then the paint is a metalic body paint from a craft store watered down