

Active member
I was kind of kicking myself for not getting goldbit last summer. is it that unusual to justify getting it ? anything else comparable ?


Well-known member
I really like goldbit (NC5), but deckchair pigment looks very similar on me. If you had deckchair, I wouldn't bother getting goldbit, but YMMV.


Well-known member
on me goldbit doesn't look anything like dechchair! it's a soft gold, and it's very flattering on my NW20 skin!


Well-known member
I love goldbit! It's one of my staples so I'm glad they re-released it & I can stock up
On me it's a pretty champagne color, and so far nothing else really looks all that close, but of course everyone's skin is different! If it were me, I'd go ahead and get it so you won't have to kick yourself for missing it again lol!