Good Black Eyeshadow!


Well-known member
I need a good black eyeshadow that will last forever and will not crease. I'm using Maybelline's night sky right now but can anyone recommend a better one? I need something that's relatively cheap..Which means under 10 dollars. lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by STolEn_KisS
I need a good black eyeshadow that will last forever and will not crease. I'm using Maybelline's night sky right now but can anyone recommend a better one? I need something that's relatively cheap..Which means under 10 dollars. lol.

Black is hard. Especially with the less expensive brands. Just cough up four more dollars and go get MAC carbon or black tied. You will be happy you did.


Well-known member
Try NYX. They make a black e/s that I'm sure is comparable to MAC's Carbon. NYX e/s tends to be almost as good as MAC e/s. Plus, it's only $5.

I'm sure if you went on eBay, though, you might find it a bit cheaper than that. I often will buy my NYX stuff (their Doll Eye mascara is totally my HG!) on eBay, just because it's slightly cheaper than retail. Although some beauty supply stores will sell NYX e/s for like $3 anyway, so either check out eBay or see if you can find it locally. HTH!


Well-known member
any drugstore black i've tried has never worked out all that great. when i was first getting into mac, the first eyeshadow i ever bought was Black Tied and i'm so happy i did. that being said, the best luck i ever had with a drugstore black e/s was from Annabelle.