good (cheap) makeup brushes??


Well-known member
ok so the brushes i have now are just crap. i really want to get some good brushes without spending a fortune. i mean if i really cant find any cheap ones that work well ill probably settle for the mac brushes but does anyone have any brand i could check out just like at a drug store or something before i make a bigger investment? (or at least until my next paycheck comes)

MAC is love

Well-known member
You should look into Sonia Kashuk brushes from Target, they are good quality for their price, so check them out if you have a Target nearby


Well-known member
I second the sonia kashuk brushes!

I use one for foundation/moisturizer/primer (not in that order) and I love it!


Well-known member
hhmm... i wonder if the sonia kashuk brushes are good.... (note sarcasm.) well tomorrow is my day off so ill stop by target and check them out. i was looking at what they contained online and the travel case seemed like the best. 8 essential brushes for $20... that will work until i become rich and famous


Well-known member
Heck, even Target's no-name brand of brushes are good. I've had mine (two eyeshadow brushes) for at least a year and a half and they are in great shape.


Well-known member
i have 1 sonia kushuk brush (the big powder brush, i think it's #01) and it's nice and soft. i have some Japonesque brush (the travel one that comes with an aluminum case) but i would say i only like the tiny brush in it. and i heard E.L.F. makes supercheap brushes - $1 each - but i also read on another forum that their customer service stinks - some people didn't get their stuff for 2 months and the CS was just not responding to them. i also have some trish mcevoy brushes but those were a bit pricey - but i have to say, i did pay for quality.


Well-known member
thanks, stacie, for posting this. and thank you to all of you who posted about sonia kashuk brushes. i have been wondering if those were good or not. they are super cheap to! i am sooo going to target tommorow!


Well-known member
Add me to the list of Sonia Kashuk brush fans! I was thinking that one day I'd get better brushes when I could afford them, but honestly I like the Sonia Kashuk ones so much that I think I'll just stick with them. Right now on Target's website, there's a set of some basic brushes on clearance for $14.99 (this set is only online and not in stores). There's also a deluxe travel set for $19.99 both online and in stores. Not a bad deal!


Well-known member
CVS Essence of Beauty has a 2 pack of crease brushes (one bigger, one smaller) for like $8. I really like them and use them quite often.


Well-known member
My vote goes to the Sonia K brushes too!!. also if you have a Sally's they carry some brushes called Face Secrets. I have used them for over 3 years and they still look perfect!


Well-known member
I second the Face Secrets brushes at Sallys. They are really good and comparable to the high end brushes but at a fraction of the cost.


Well-known member
thanks guys. i went and bought the sonia brushes today. it came with a cute little carrying case. i used them for my 1st fotd (which i will have to post later since im having camera issues)!


Well-known member
Essence of Beauty brushes are really good for the price. I tried the Sonia brushes and there was a lot of fallout (but I had the travel set, so maybe that makes a difference). I am going to try the Crown Brushes at some point, and they have gotten a lot of good reviews.


Well-known member
In my opinion, there are no truly good, cheap brushes. Every cheap brush I had, I threw out because it ended up being no good. Sonia Kashuk included. I had a couple of her brushes, and they both fell apart within a month of me buying them.

I'd say just buy one good brush at a time, slowly build up a collection. That's what I did. The only cheap brush I use now is a concealer brush from Everyday Minerals, and even that's getting thrown out as soon as I can get my hands on a Wonder Brush from UD.

I like ELF's smudger eye sponges (think that's what they're called), because it's just like a smudger on the end of some eyeliners, but by itself. I don't really consider those brushes, though. Kinda hard to screw up a rubber smudger!

Anyway, I'VE had bad experiences when buying cheap brushes. I would just say buy one good quality brush at a time, when you can, and eventually you'll have a nice collection.