Good Colors of Eyeshadow for Violet Eyeliner


Active member
I just bought some violet colored eyeliner because I heard it was a good color to have besides brown and black. I was curious to know what colors of eyeshadow would go good with this shade of eyeliner? I don't have a lot of options, so hopefully, I have something that can work.

My colors are basically shades of black, brown, white, silver, off white, red, purple, blue and pink. So basically...the basics since my collection isn't that huge.

Any suggestions?



Well-known member
Personally, I think violet goes well with teals, greens, browns, blues, black etc.. I think you should play around with your colours and work out what you think looks good! Some recommendations are: Parrot (the ultimate teal), Teal pigment, Deep Blue Green Pigment, Club, Electric Eel, Sharp or Rated-R, Humid.

Today I'm wearing Mac's Club eye shadow (a gorgeous green/teal/browny duochrome shade) on the lid with a violet colour on the lower lash line blended down. I highly recommend the Club+Violet combination, its gorgeous!


Well-known member
I agree! Try violet liner with Electric Eel , Teal pigment , Swimming and similar teal / turquoise colors . Me personally , i usually pair it with my Steamy / Aquadisiac E/s , both being blue/teal shades , looks great!


Well-known member
I think it would be prettiest with light pinkes (like Sweet Lust), or neutral/gold colors (like All That Glitters)


Well-known member
I love to wear Violet also with UD's Peace (same color family as Electric Eel) as well as peaches and oranges and golds, such as Goldmine.


Active member
Thanks guys!! I'm going to try it out soon and I will definitely be taking some of these ideas into consideration!