Good Contouring Colors???


Well-known member
Hey ladies -- I need help finding a good contouring product for the hollows of my cheeks and my jawline. I have really really strong yellow undertones (I'm a c40) so everything I've tried has too much red/bronze in it, making it look really fake and orangey.

I've tried Blunt blush and pretty much every popular bronzer that you can think of from MAC or other brands.

Suggestions....please! :confused:


Well-known member
Have you tried the Natural MSFs and the new MSFs (mineral skin finishes) from MAC?

Some are shimmery, some are satin texture. The powders are great for contouring because they look very natural and soft.


Well-known member
i'm not familiar with mac foundations and their shades, but I've got yellow undertones with some olive, and I find contouring with Cork e/s works great for me. Check it out next time you go to a counter. It's matte. Hope it's not too light for you!


Well-known member
I second the Mineralized Skin Finish Naturals, but be careful: the Dark and Deep Dark are a bit red.

Take a look at the new blush that's coming out with Novel Twist (Nordstrom exclusive or that's really nice and neutral and works pretty well for contouring. Check it out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
I second the Mineralized Skin Finish Naturals, but be careful: the Dark and Deep Dark are a bit red.

Take a look at the new blush that's coming out with Novel Twist (Nordstrom exclusive or that's really nice and neutral and works pretty well for contouring. Check it out!

Jen, I was scoping out the blush you recommended on the Nordies website, but the "swatch" is just a computer generated paint square..grrrr. It looks promising though. Do you think it would be dark enough for me? Thanks so much for your help.

And to everyone else, thanks so much for the recs. I already ordered the MSF dark earlier today, but I'm now considering this new novel twist blush too...can you tell how desperate I am. lol!

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