Good Evening from Boston! (Hopefully soon to be residing in LA!)


I guess I'll start by saying, "Hello! My name is Jackie". I can honestly say I have no formal training in makeup and aesthetics, but I am proudly self-taught- mainly by youtube instructional videos (Thank you Kandee Johnson!!!) and teaching myself techniques by playing around for hours. I'd like to get my career started, but am somewhat hesitant because of my lack of professional education and legal documentation.
I decided to join this forum in hopes of expanding my cosmetic knowledge as well as finding helpful ways in making makeup a part of my professional life. Not to mention- obviously sharing the love and passion makeup gives me with other people who feel the same. Looking for many friends and people to connect with! Please feel free to stop by and say hi! :)


Well-known member
to the forum! happy to have you here! :)


Well-known member
Welcome! I'm sure you'll love this board and the whole site!

By coincidence, I'll be talking a cruise from Boston in a few weeks with my daughter. Sadly, only one full day in Boston...

I'm from LA originally, and I'm sure you'll like it. The weather is better than Boston, but the crowds and traffic can take some adjustment. And public transport is not the best. But I'm sure you'll do just fine!


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra, Jackie :) Glad you decided to join and it's never too late to make your knowledge and skills "formal" :)


Well-known member
Welcome to Spektra Jackie! There are so many good ideas here, I'm sure you'll have a great time!