Good hair salon in the San Diego area?


Well-known member
Hey everybody. I´ve decided to finally go through with it and go brunette. I´m visiting my fiance´s family in Chula Vista near San Diego, so I wanna find a great salon there. Any recommendations?


New member
Honestly, I don't think you should go brunette. I am blonde, and every time I have gone darker I have regretted it. Especially if you are a natural blonde. The dark color often clashes with naturally fair features. Think about when Cameron Diaz and Reese Witherspoon went dark. They looked okay, but they really lost some of their sparkle in my opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vegasmakeupgirl
Honestly, I don't think you should go brunette. I am blonde, and every time I have gone darker I have regretted it. Especially if you are a natural blonde. The dark color often clashes with naturally fair features. Think about when Cameron Diaz and Reese Witherspoon went dark. They looked okay, but they really lost some of their sparkle in my opinion.

yeah that´s true about Cameron and Reese. Then again Jenna Jameson actually looked better as a brunette IMO (don´t know any other examples)

I think I still need to try it though, I have been obsessing over it for about 2years now, and I can never really seem to get the shade of blonde I want anyway. And I feel like I look too innocent with blonde hair, and there´s not much else to change that besides dye my hair (cutting it shorter is not an option)