good makeup lighting challenge


Well-known member
I have a lighted makeup mirror that I can plug in, but I need something brighter and better. Aka, less frustrating. I've been doing some research on how to make my own lightbulb strip, but I haven't found much. Does any of you lovelies know how? Thanks.


Well-known member
I'd get some wall lights from IKEA that you can adjust. I have two halogen lamps mounted to the wall that I can turn to adjust.


Well-known member
From the QVC Outlet in Frazer, PA, I purchased one of those floor standing tru-lite lamps that has the special tube-like bulbs for true color. It has an adjustable arm, so you can bend it any way uou'd like. It was only $15 at the outlet and unless you're in the area they won't ship. HOWEVER, I'm sure QVC still has them on their web-site.