Gorgeous Gold or Goldmine e/s?


I am looking for a beigy-gold for wash and browbone color. I love the Veluxe Pearl shadows! I would like to pair mostly with Woodwinked. Any recs?

NC15, red hair, blue-green eyes.

Femme Noir

Well-known member
Originally Posted by GirlieQ
I am looking for a beigy-gold for wash and browbone color. I love the Veluxe Pearl shadows! I would like to pair mostly with Woodwinked. Any recs?

Honesty is just the lighter version of woodwinked. It's like woodwinked's little sister, It's beautiful.

and i personally prefer Gorgeous Gold over Goldmine


Well-known member
gorgeous gold is basically a yellow-gold. So, if you're looking for beige-gold, don't get it. I have it and rarely use it.

My favourite non-yellow gold e/s is All That Glitters... especially if you're planning on using it for a wash or highlight.


Well-known member
I agree with All that Glitters too, maybe Dazzlelight as its a little lighter, depending on your skin tone. Gorgeous gold although a veluxe pearl is very yellow and even has a greenish tinge. It is pretty, but i don't use it much. Goldmine I just got and its more of a lid or crease color than a highlight, because its just too gold. Its very pretty though.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I love both for different reasons. Goldmine is a more true gold where as Gorgeous Gold is a more yellowish-green tinged gold. I love them both though. But if you want something as a wash or highlight then I don't suggest either of those. I'd go with something lighter or more neutral...


Well-known member
i agree w/ jen. mcfly, though for your purposes, i don't think either would love good w/ a beige-y look. i like honey lust, or you could try honesty...or what about base light shadestick w/ retrospeck over it (for me this come out a really nice, soft goldish beige)