Graduated Early apply for MA at 17?


Well-known member
I am done with school this year and this summer have thought of applying for a MA anywhere younkers or dillards but I won't be 18 for six months!! Eek do I just wait. Will they hire at 17. I was going to stay home a year and go to the CC for a few more foreign language courses and I cannot move because of lots of drama and I don't want to be younger while I'm out on my own and not be able to sign for things as an adult. Help advice?


Well-known member
You have to be 18 to work for MAC, either as a regular MA or freelancer...hang in there just a little longer!


Well-known member
Most places don't hire until age 18, because of child labor laws.
In Texas if you are under 18 you can only work a few hours a week.. like 20 or less. And that's only at certain places.


Well-known member
Sorry, I believe it it MAC's policy to only hire those who are 18 and older. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it is nationwide, and not dependant on the type of mac, whether it be a counter, store, or pro store.