Grand duos for u NC 35-40's?


which ones did u guys get or wud recommend?

i bought moon river, the lightest of them all, only hows up a little pink, but mostly a silver, shimmery silver pink on the cheek, good for a subtle everyday summer look. wot do u think? xxxx


Well-known member
Oooh, I want to know too, NC35 here


Well-known member
I am now with the Studio fix fluid NC 37 and Love rock looks gorgeous!! it really shows up well on my skintone!! I also liked Intenso very much when I put it on in the store HTH


Well-known member
I'm an NC40 - and I got Grand Duo, Hot Planet and Intenso. All are absolutely gorgeous! They give off great color and just the right amount of shimmer. Perfect for Spring and Summer!


Well-known member
Honestly,ALL except moonriver will show up well on your skintone..personally i love love LOVE light over dark!HTH


Well-known member
i am NC40.

grand duo, intenso, light over dark, hot planet -- these look awesome on me, i'm still struggling whether or not to buy them since i have so many sonic chic ones.

earth to earth was a little blah, love rock was too fake and sat on top of my skin, and moon river is super pretty in the pan but hardly noticible on. i still love moon river though. i got that one and i'm determined to make it work!!


I'm NC37 and I got Light over Dark. I want to go back and look more closely at Hot Planet and possibly Intenso. I had the DH and the kid with me, so I was in a rush.


Well-known member
NC42 here.Moonriver doesnt show up much on me- its sooo subtle.. but I wanted something that wont show up much for office.. I dont wana look "made-up" when Im at office.. I am lemming for light over dark.Can someone compare or swatch light over dark and so ceylon?