Grandma Hates My Makeup


Well-known member
I recently sent some pictures out to my family of me and my daughter and my husband. I sent a picture of myself - it's my profile picture here on specktra; not my avatar - and she said I looked like a clown.
I think it's a super pretty picture and that's why I sent it out. I didn't expect her reaction and it really hurt my feelings. She asked me if I was going to "slather" makeup on my daughter too. What's up with that? She said that "normal" people don't wear any colours. They wear makeup to look as if they aren't wearing makeup. I explained to her that makeup is my artform and my passion and I can do ALL sorts of looks. And that day, I happened to be wearing teal and light green. And it was tastefully applied, not just slathered on.

It's not even dark makeup!!!


She's about 77 years old, so maybe that is why but I've seen 60 year old ladies with bright green fingernails and bright pink lipstick....meh.


Well-known member
Aww I know it's upsetting but it's probably because she's old and in her eyes make up might look bad. I know because my grandmother is like that too. Just yesterday she kept telling me how much she hated my hair(I dye it dark brown and my own hair is light) and was practically begging me to lighten it! And she used to bud me about makeup telling me how pretty "natural" girls were.

So you know what don't worry about it, I just looked at the picture and your eyeshadow looks awesome =]


Well-known member
It's the age...don't let it get to you. Although...I know some grandmas that rock MAC like any 20 year old would...bright colors everywhere...


Well-known member
I wouldn't sweat it. It is due to the era in which she grew up and the ideas about makeup at that time. My grandmother says the same thing - that makeup should really enhance what you have but shouldn't be obvious. It doesn't bother me. She has never attacked my makeup choices, though. I can understand why your feelings are hurt but take what she said with a grain of salt.


Well-known member
That was kinda rude of her to say, though she is entitled to her opinion. I don't agree with it, as you have a lot of talent & always look so great! Don't even worry about it...keep doing what makes you happy & what you do so well


Well-known member
You look beautiful in your profile picture. I guess it's just her age. Things definitely change over time, techonology has changed, automobiles have changed, and YES makeup too!


Well-known member
I totally relate to your situation! My mother vehemently hates my makeup and is the type to be very open with sharing her opinion, even when no one wants to hear it. She used to attack me so harshly that I would wash all my makeup off before leaving the house. Since moving out though, I've realized that it's my own personal preference that matters, and if wearing fun colourful makeup makes me feel confident, then that's what I'll do. Personally, I love the look in your profile picture. I might even copy it and wear it home for Christmas! :p


Well-known member
That's really mean, I think you look gorgeous! And the daughter comment was just uncalled for...And I dont believe all this stuff about older people not understanding makeup, because heavy makeup (red lipstick, black liquid eyeliner) was more common amongst their youth than it is today. Who wants to base their appearance on what their granny likes anyway lol?


Well-known member
I'm sorry that she hurt your feelings. I think one of the things that really gets you with comments like that, at least speaking for myself, is that they really catch you off guard. I just want to expect better of people.

It really is a generational thing. In my gram's time of youth, more colourful, obvious makeup meant you were a bit "fast". That's just what was ingrained into their brains. That being said, she could have conveyed what she was trying to say to you in a gentler manner.

Also..another factor having to do with age: With a lot of folks, as they get older, they will just say whatever. Kind of like, 'Hey, I'm old enough. I've earned the right just to say whatever. I've given up on being gentle and PC. I just don't have time for it.'
I laugh about that, but please understand that I am not making light of your situation. I laugh because my Gram's thrown out a few zingers and they were just soooo very shocking at the time, so I relate to your situation. I just try to take it with a grain of salt. I will tease back to turn it into a laugh. To my Gram's credit, she has a pretty open mind which pretty impressive for a gal in her 80s.

BTW, I always love your makeup.


Well-known member mom told me I had I Love Lucy eyebrows (like i look suprised or something lol)
I get grief from older people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
A bit "fast" OMG!!! Thats great.

I actually had an older client at MAC who used that same word when contemplating a lipstick. She was afraid it would make her look "fast". She had to be at least 70.

I thought it was adorable. I had to stiffle my giggle. With the bright makeup us MAs had on, she must have though she had stumbled into a brothel!

I told that story to my Gram and she said, "At 70, she better be fast. There isn't much time left!"


Well-known member
I know that that's what she is used to - bare minimal face.

The only timed that she wavered was when she accidentally bought a purple eyeliner pencil because she thought it was a brown pencil. Let me tell you how awesome she looked with purple brows.


Well-known member
My grandmama says that to me too!! She's stuck in her black eyeliner, black eyeshadow, no lipstick, powdered up look since the beginning of time. She thinks I look "whorish" with bright colors, especially bright lipstick.

Heh, I know it's an "old person thing". Weird thing is, she likes my navel piercing though :p thinks it's "cute"

My nona?... She wears borderline Tammy Faye MU and always asks what I'm wearing.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
A lot of old people somehow manage to lack a filter to tastefully say their thoughts or not verbalize them at all. I don't know why it happens, it just does.

When older people say strange things that are kind of offensive, I laugh it off. Even though they lack the politeness filter, they're usually smart enough to know to let it go, since they have no affect on you.


Well-known member
Lol.. my family is like that too.. my aunt made fun of me the other day.. and I kinda just blinked at her because my niece is in cheer/dance and she puts on a TONNN of makeup. I didn't understand it.. but my grandma thought it was cute (which is funny)

I LOVEEE your makeup hon.. it looks a lot better than wat I can do


Well-known member
I can TOTALLY see where you are coming from!! As you can see from my avatar and profile my hair is dark and straight. My hair is chemically relaxed, it's super curly and coarse and a lot of people are convinced I have african american heritage bcause of my hair. Second, it's blonde. Not a pretty nice light honey color. Almost grey and mousy, yeah you know that color. SO in order for me to keep my hair color pretty, healthy, and not completely falling out, I dye it dark because that's ok if you are relaxing it. She does not get this. She gives me shit every time I see her or my parents see her. AND I AM TWENTY SIX. I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR 7 YEARS. GET F'ING USED TO IT. Sorry it makes me really irritated that she just can't accept that I am not that blond curly girl I used to be. OH well. At least she can't say anything about my brows.. they wash off. Her's are tattooed. (Not my favorite look but I never say anything to her!) Thank you for listening.
