Green and Blue FOTD

dangerous missa

Active member
Since I did neutrals yesterday, I thought some color would be nice for today. Especially with no sunlight and hours of freezing rain here in Michigan, I'm really in the mood for some color! Lots of pictures and descriptions under the cut. Comments and suggestions are appreciated!!!






Now, for what I used (all MAC unless otherwise noted)...

Bare Canvas base, Lucky Jade shadestick, chartreuse pigment on inner lid, Kelly Green pigment on middle lid, Deep Blue Green pigment outer lid and upper lid liner, Emerald Green pigment in crease, naked pigment to highlight browbone, lined upper rims with blacktrack fluidliner, lined lower rims with Royal Wink fluidliner, Lined under eye with blue pigment, clear brow gel, DiorShow mascara

Prep and Prime skin, NW20 concealer lightly all over face, more on blemishes, Ben Nye loose powder, Lancome Mele Glace Blush

Plum liner (lined and filled in), DiorKiss gloss in Sorbet Meringue. Please excuse the feathering on the gloss. I snapped these pictures hours after I applied it.

The lack of sunlight made it impossible to get any full face shots that showed the makeup and looked true to life. I want spring to be here already!!! All the full face pictures came out like this:


Any suggestions, and helpful comments are welcome!!!


Well-known member
That's funny, you used blue and I went neutral today. LOL. It's Spring like here. I soo didn't notice the feathering on the lips. I still don't see it. Great job! =)

BTW, when I visit you next time, you have to show me some Ben Nye.

dangerous missa

Active member
Thank you guys for the compliments so much! I always have a hard time using Royal wink, but I think I love it now! With other blues it looked weird to me, but I'm loving it with the greens. I wonder how my minted liner would look with blue shadows....