green tinkerbell inspired look :)


Well-known member
i made this look for allthatglitters21's competition on youtube
the idea was to create a look based off your favourite disney character.


today i wasn't very photogenic, so the photos arent too good!


the video for it is here: YouTube - Tinkerbell Contest Entry

i used:
bobbi brown skin foundation in sand
mac select coverup concealer in nw25
pout blush in pearly queen
rimmel professional eyebrow pencil in hazel
mac medium blot powder
mac pigment in vanilla
beauty uk palette number 2 (Beauty UK)
mac eyeshadow in typographic
rimmel exaggerate liquid liner in black
barry m kohl liner in black
mac fluidline in blacktrack
mac #34 lashes
mac lustreglass in ensign


Well-known member
Beautiful! I love the blending and those colors are so gorgeous. I especially love that dark green.

I was Tinkerbell for Halloween last year and doing the make-up was so much fun. I'm sure you had a good time.