Greetings and Salutations to all you of Divas & Divos!

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Hello Gorgeous,

Many belated and Sweet Valentines and Kisses to you All!
With much inspiration from some of you I’ve decided to come out of Lurkersville! I’ve spent way too much time with my nose pressed against the proverbial glass.
My name is TamEva Le Fay from San Francisco. I’m an Entertainer/Female Illusionist…or simply just your - good ole fashioned American Drag Queen here in the Bay Area!

…And…I’m addicted to M.A.C.!

I just want to say to you all how absolutely Fabulous it is to know that you’re all here on this Forum! There are so many talented Artists from all walks of life here and from around the world! I cannot say enough about Specktra and I share with anyone who will listen about this Forum. It’s shocking how many people in the business don’t even know about Specktra, particularly people who work for M.A.C. Words cannot even express how I’ve enjoyed all of the gorgeous tutorials that have been posted here. I hope you all realize what a service you provide in doing so.
It is greatly appreciated!
It should, also, go without saying that, in large part, your contributions here have not only made me a better Artist, but have certainly enabled my passion for makeup. I can honestly say that, without a doubt, this Forum has single handedly influenced my purchasing power more than any other commercial could have done in my own personal history of retail consumerism. If that makes sense! Having said that…I believe there’s a hole in the market big enough to drive a bus through with respect to marketing and sales and their connection to these types of Forums.


Some of my “Beauty Icons” are, and will forever be, Stevie Nicks, Rachel Welch, Bridgette Bardot, Jerry Hall, Linda Carter, Janice Dickinson, and on my off days, any of the many gorgeous women known as “THE BOND GIRLS” from all of the James Bond films! Any casual observer of Beauty and Fashion in films should recognize that these women were the epitome of beauty at the time of each Bond films’ release. Each Bond film is a perfect time capsule of what was trendy in pop culture at the time. BOND GIRLS ARE FOREVER!

Special Hello to KUUIPO!
You and I both share a special appreciation for Stevie! I’m so completely moved by her whole look and persona. As an Entertainer, I’ve patterned my whole look around her. Stevie is definitely my most influential Muse!
I always look forward to everything you have to say about her. You can probably see from my photos how far Stevie’s influence reaches.
Upon your recommendation, I went out and purchased Estee Lauder’s “Mink” Brown shadow, you were right Girl, it is the deepest brown money can buy! Love it! Thank You, my search for the darkest brown crease color had ended there!

You all have turned my eye to so many things it is actually quite amazing!
Can you say UDPP?!?!? I’ve always dreamt there’d be a Forum like this, but never knew it existed!

I’ve attached a few photo’s of myself so one can see what some of us Queens are doing these days. I would Love to see more pics of the Queen Divas or anyone who uses their M.A.C. for stage purposes. It’s always been my own personal esthetic to never look like I’m wearing any more makeup than Stevie Nicks did at any point in her career. These pics of Stevie are my Stevie makeup gauge. Unfortunately, I always fall down in meeting this goal! Oh well better luck next time right?

Thank you all again for being here and Loving what you do! Keep on having Fun and look Glamorous while your doing it!

Looking forward to sharing with you soon! Thank You ROCK!
Live Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy and keep your DREAMS alive!

NC25, Brown Eyes, Golden Blond Hair.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Welcome TamEva! Thanks for your introduction I smiled the whole way through it, your vibrant personality shines all the way over here in Texas!
I hope you continue to take away information during your time here and I look forward to seeing more of you around the forum.


Well-known member
Thats the best welcome message ever, thanks for taking the time to type all of it out, I appreciate it.

Its so nice to get to know people just that little bit better. :) If you have any questions about anything or want to be friends outside of specktra feel free to drop me a PM!