Greetings from Melbourne! My Pro store haulage with pics!


Well-known member
Hello everyone!

This isn't a very large haul compared to some of you girls but here are my spoils from my visit to the Pro store today!

From L-R: 4 pan palette, f/l in Blacktrack (my first fluidline! I'm a bit scared to use it
) e/s in Plumage, Paint pot in Painterly (again, my first paint pot, no idea how to use it but was told it makes a good base for eyeshadow), Powerpoint e/l in So There Jade, 209 brush, and e/s in Steamy, Aquadisiac and Ricepaper.


Thanks for viewing!


Well-known member
All mac haulage is worth praise! hehe ...very nice haul. I love that jade powerpoint I might get one myself.


Well-known member
You'll love the fluidline, blacktrack is my fave. Its the best lasting eyeliner and you can also use it as a base when doing a black smoky eye =)


Well-known member
^^I hope so! It freaks me out a bit because I'm only used to the felt-tip brushes that come with liquid eyeliners, in fact I used to refuse to buy liquid eyeliners with brush applicators! You're right about it being long-lasting, I tested it on my hand in the store and after three washes it still wouldn't come off!