Greetings my fellow makeup addicts


Active member
Greetings everyone so I came across this site a few months ago but really never scan the site but lately in my free time i have been and OMG what was I thinking I always hear my coworkers and others talking about it so I said wth may as well review and boy im I so glad i just joined :). I join this site in hopes to inspire and to be inspired by others. I enjoy giving and getting advice, tips and trick, etc. So if you have any question please feel free to ask I will help in anyway I can and I look frwd to the many postings, ratings, reviews and threads to come.....

~So Lets Make Up~
Trese B.

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Trese B,

I love your screename!

I'm guessing that you're a MUA, so will look forward to seeing a FOTD from you in the future!

Enjoy the forums, postings so much better than lurking!!!


Active member
Thanks ladybug! And yes
FOTD will be coming soon still trying to figure things out on this website and build my blog at the same time so bare with the....

Trese B.