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greyscale smokey eye


Active member
this is my first tutorial, so bare with me!! let me know what you think


MAC Paint Pot in Painterly
MAC e/s in Electra, Knight Divine, Print, Cork & Daisychain (discontinued)
MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack
Sugarpill e/s in Bulletproof
Revlon Colour Stay liquid liner in blackest black
Makeup Forever Aqua Smokey Lash
Makeup Forever Full Cover in 6
Makeup Forever High Definition Foundation in 117
MAC Select Sheer powder in NC20
Annabelle Eyebrow Pencil in black
Benefit Hoola Bronzer

1. prime your eyes with a base, i'm using a MAC Paint Pot in Painterly.

2. apply a silver eyeshadow to the inner third/half of your eye, i've mixed MAC's Electra and Knight Divine (Electra is too light, and Knight Divine is too dark for my likings, hence the mixing of the two!)

3. apply a grey eyeshadow to the middle third of your eye, i'm using MAC Print.

4. to achieve a super clean cut line, i apply a piece of tape to my eye. it's easiest to line the edge of the tape up with your bottom lash line ..imagine your lash line continued upward! the trickiest part is just to get both eyes even, after all the majority of people have asymmetrical features. be sure to work the tape between your fingers before applying it, just to de-sticky (is that even a word!?) the tape a bit, no need to rip off your skin!

5. because i want the corner to be extremely dark, i'm going to apply MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack to the outer third, as a base for my black eyeshadow. you're also essentially creating a shape for your shadow, my personal preference is to follow the shape of my natural crease.

6. apply a black shadow over your base. i'm using Sugarpill's Bulletproof eyeshadow.

7. now that you have the basic eyeshadows down, you want to start blending. the first thing i like to do, is using a clean brush just blend the edge of the eyeshadows together, focusing mainly on the outer corner.

8. using MAC's Print again, i'm going to start blending the outer corner. think of a gradient, you want the colour to slowly "fade".

9. i find going from grey to skin tone is still a little too harsh. so i mix MAC's Cork and Daisychain to create a colour that's a few shades darker than my skin tone, and blend out. with that said, the colours you use for this step will vary from mine depending on your own skin tone.

10. this last blending step is something i learnt and have been been doing as of recently. using your face powder, which in my case is MAC select sheer powder, blend it with the colours from the previous step. i never would have thought about doing this, but it does make sense - after all, it'll match the rest of your face perfectly!

11. next, line your top lash line with whatever eyeliner you prefer. i'm using Revlon Color Stay liquid liner in blackest black.

12. remove the tape and clean up any fall-out you might have

13. curl your lashes and apply mascara, i'm using Makeup Forever's Aqua Smokey Lash

14. apply foundation, i'm using Makeup Forever's High Definition Foundation and cover-up, i'm using Makeup Forever's Full Cover.

15. pply black liner on your bottom lash line, i'm using MAC's Fluidline in Blacktrack. then, over that apply the same black eyeshadow you used on the outer corner to set the liner.

16. apply mascara to your bottom lashes, again i'm using Makeup Forever's Aqua Smokey Lash

17. fill in your brows if you need to, i use Annabelle's Brow Pencil in black.

18. no photos for these steps but using a light shimmery shadow, highlight your brows, apply your face powder if you use one, and bronzer (blush if you'd like too as well!)

and ta-da! (excuse how pale my face looks on the left, blame it on the flash) & i forgot to take a straight on shot - so the one on the right is an older photo, the only difference is that my brows are much darker. i know this might seem like a lengthy tutorial, but in all honesty this look takes me about 20 minutes from start to finish!