Gross Polish Warning


Well-known member
Bought 4 of these on ebay, seller isn't registered anymore so won't give you here name cuz it doesn't matter


This polish is disgusting. So so toxic smelling-one of the bottles was broken as it came shipped in an envelope-one of those bubble wrap lined ones with no padding-instantly it stank up the room. Worse than paint thinner, vuarathane? Is that a word? Something thane smelling. Very, very strong.

I have hundreds of bottles of nail polish including dollar store finds. NONE have ever smelled as strongly or as toxic as this kind. It did not smell like nail polish. It smelled like...paint thinner. NOT like acetone. Like actual honest to goodness paint thinner.

Was listed as "Nabi" nail polish brand. Moonlight glitter etc.

DO NOT BUY THIS CRAP. At 3 bucks a bottle better off buying from e tailers.

I am actually going to go to sleep early because it gave me a headache, and I NEVER get chemical or scent related headaches.


Well-known member
I thought so also, and was very dissapointed with the actual polish. It's simply awful. You could make better dumping glitter into clear polish