Guys & Gas


Well-known member
Alright, so this is a weird topic, but I was wondering what all you ladies and gentlemen think about guys (or women, anyone you're interested in), passing gas around you. I ask because I've recently met this guy, and I really like him. He's outgoing and sweet, and so funny. We were hanging out in his dorm room after a long night of hard partying (we were quite drunk), and he asked me if I minded if he farted. I said no, of course not, so he did.

If a guy farts in front of you before you establish a relationship, does this mean that he will only ever see you as a friend? We haven't gone on a date, and he doesn't know that I'm interested. How do you feel about farting in front of your SO? Any funny stories?


Well-known member
My fiance HATES it, oh lord, he goes off if I "toot" (LOL) in front of him. I remember years ago, I passed gas in front of a friend, we were laughing so hard and it just slipped, then she passed some too. I was really embarassed by it then.
I wouldn't say I would just let 'er rip in front of friends, but my family & fiance, I don't care. I don't go and fart in their faces, but if it slips, it slips!


Well-known member
well, everyone does it, what's the point in pretending you don't? When you're comfortable with someone it shouldn't be an issue, in my opinion. That and farts are universally funny, so make it a joke and laugh it off


Well-known member
Yeah, I can't exactly get upset with DH because I'm a bit of a gas-bag myself. But I try to contain as much as I can to the bathroom, particularly if I think they'll be stinky ones, but sometimes you just can't help it. It's nature - better out than in, lol!


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I turn it into competition.

And I always win!!

I will say the only thing that annoys me is when he does it and rather than say "excuse me" he pretends like nothing happens or he laughs. Because his are silent and disgusting, I'd like to at least have a warning before my poor nose catches on.


Well-known member
I think it's kinda awkward he just asked you casually if you are just getting to know him. I don't think it means he only thinks of you as a friend because I've dated guys who had that sort of mentality and I think it is just a way for them to start out open and comfortable. It's always weird the first time you fart around someone, but once you get that out of the way, it's whatever.


Well-known member
My BF did a fart in front of me the second time we ever met (before we were a couple). He openly blows off all the time when I'm with him, which I don't mind so much, it's when he makes a big deal of it and lifts his bum in the air to pop off before letting out a relieved sigh that I sometimes roll my eyes at his behaviour. I did ask him if he could be more discreet about it and may be say "excuse me". He explained that he once held a fart in all day when with a girl and it made him feel ill so he won't do that anymore and just lets it come out naturally.

But yeah, it's a natural function so it's no big deal but I don't know how well it would have gone down if I'd farted in front of him when we first met!


Well-known member
My BF and I have been dating for more than 1 1/2 years now and if he wants to *do it*, he'll walk out of the room. If we're out walking somewhere, he'll tell me to go further because he needs to *do it*... LOL.

I've a colleague who always FOL (fart out loudly) at work and I find that very annoying.


Well-known member
This sounds a little SATC

Passing gas is a normal bodily process. Obviously there are certain situations you shouldn't do it.. or try to excuse yourself and do it in your provacy.. but if you're around friends or a significant other.. like what the hell..

I heard that if you keep farting in too long the gas will build up and your stomach will EXPLODE!!! lol


Well-known member
My bf and I try to avoid doing it around each other, but hey sometimes you can't help it.


Well-known member
While ripping ass does show you're comfortable around the person, it's not the sweetest or most romantic gesture.

I think farts are funny as long as I don't have to smell them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
My bf and I try to avoid doing it around each other, but hey sometimes you can't help it.

Same!.... and to answer your question, I don't think I'd ever date a guy that farted in front of me so soon.... I don't mean to sound like a priss or a prude but no guy I've dated has ever done that except for ones that we just decided to be friends instead(and still, only after we'd known eachother for awhile!), imo if a guy did that, he would come off to me as not really being interested in impressing me(which is turn-off for me lol) and he might turn out to be a guy that never tries to impress you, which kinda sucks!


Well-known member
My sister's current boyfriend of 5+ years farted on their very first date, haha.

I don't care if my boyfriend farts in front of me, but I don't make a big production out of it myself. We also pee with the door open and all that nice stuff. Hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
farts are universally funny, so make it a joke and laugh it off

That's not exactly true, not all people feel they are funny ... I think it's rude ... I mean I understand sometimes you can't help it, but at least be polite about it. I would never date a person that made a big deal of it or did it to be comical...

My son has said excuse me every time he has passed gas from the time he was 1 1/2 ... I try to avoid it and obnoxious burping as well... I think it's the polite thing to do.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
LOL I think passing gas is sort of right of passage in a relationship. If you pass gas in front of someone and you either ignore, laugh hysterically, or "fart back", there's some real love there LOLOLOL

I don't think that him passing gas in front of you, especially ASKING, is a sign that he doesn't consider you as a possibility for something more serious. To me, it means he's a polite guy who is comfortable around you


Well-known member
I have been dating my bf almost 4 yrs, and for the first 3.5 he never farted in front of me. He has admitted if he did that it would probably melt my face off.

Lately though, he doesn't stop and he makes a huge joke out of it...

A story:
So I was at his comp desk at his house, he was on the bed. He decided it would be funny to get my attention, grab his leg to lift it up as he was lying down, and fart. It reverberated in the room and let me tell you, it wasn't cute... I don't fart in front of him, i do it in another room if i must.

And yeah, it irritates me to no end that he thinks every time he farts that its freaking hilarious.

On that note, how do you all feel about burping?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer

On that note, how do you all feel about burping?

The two things that bother me about when my DH burps is that 1) he doesn't say "excuse me" unless I prompt him, and 2) he does this thing where after he burps he blows the burp air out of the corner of his mouth :/ He doesn't even care if I'm sitting in the general direction of where the burp air is drifting.

Princesa Livia

Well-known member
I've only had bf's farting infront of me once we've been in a relationship. Most of the bf's that I've had were my good friends to begin with, so they were pretty comfortable farting infront of me >_< .

The way i reacted towards farts though depended on my mood - sometimes I felt annoyed (esp. if they did it on purpose), but on most occasions I just burst out laughing. Sometimes they just do it to tease and that's just plain gross. I just turn away if it really smells or look at them and give my 'unimpressed' look.

Princesa Livia

Well-known member
I don't know why I can somehow stand farts but not burps. It really gets on my nerves when guys burp without saying "excuse me".