(HAA): Highlighter Addicts Anonymous


Well-known member
I was hoping there was a way around teh 1 qt bag rule with makeup. LOL The last tme I traveled I just put everything in my suitcase.

Ok another question. I'm ALWAYS looking for the perfect toiletry/makeup bag. What are your faves to travel with. (Sorry I'm all off topic)
I use a separate bag for my cosmetics. Someone gifted me the MAC large makeup bag and large brush roll & I ;of both for travel.
I use an LV tote for my toiletries.


Well-known member
I was hoping there was a way around teh 1 qt bag rule with makeup. LOL   The last tme I traveled I just put everything in my suitcase.   Ok another question.  I'm ALWAYS looking for the perfect toiletry/makeup bag.  What are your faves to travel with.  (Sorry I'm all off topic) 
This was my best investment for traveling everything stays in place and safe. Its super pretty as well! http://www.lauramercier.com/organizers/custom-artist-portfolio-12611996.html


Well-known member
Here's what I use for my carry-on toiletries.
Here's everything that was in it...and I still could fit a few more things:
It's the zippered travel pouches from The Container Store: Green: http://www.containerstore.com/shop/travel/cosmeticsToiletries?productId=10034746&N=252 Black: http://www.containerstore.com/shop/travel/cosmeticsToiletries?productId=10034745&N=252


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   Hopefully what you wanted will still be there.[/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF]Oh that looks nice!!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF]If there is something that you really want you should check weekly.[/COLOR]
Yes! I'm a Target stalker when I want something!


Well-known member
I'm going to carry on my goodies just to be sure. I have two matching bags from Trina cosmetic bags.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKjeHPiSRlsUH8pfgfigm-4Ln72mSk8hH_Sf3p9gYpETBt3Ou2 Pull Apart Clutch
https://www.hautelookcdn.com/products/3546414JN/catalog/2372344.jpg Double Organizer

In the pull apart I have my lippies on one side and eyeliners, lashes, brows and bases on the other.

In the double zip I have face on one side and eyes on the other.

I have a 3rd bag from IKEA


In that I have any larger product that I will check
So my brush roll, face cleansers, lotions and deodorant.


Well-known member
When I travel I only bring items that are replaceable aka PERM items! Just imagine if ur bag was lost can you easily replace ur makeup? The answer should always be YES. so no LE anything even brushes come with me....and I never check in makeup I will handcarry it on....
I'm going to have go run out and find a tote for my carry one. I have to bring my sister's Simple Human Mirror I got her for Christmas.

Don't feel like digging mines out lol
I remember when this came out. I couldn't find that thing any where!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by SassyWonder

This was my best investment for traveling everything stays in place and safe. Its super pretty as well!

I want!!!!


Well-known member
I put my makeup in my suitcase since they wanted to throw away my meteorites
In the end, they agreed not to confiscate them, if I put them in a transparent bag and only because they were 30g! I don't understand why they have a problem with something, that's not liquid. The answer was, that it's makeup
I'll be flying on Monday with just a carry on and I'm not sure what I'll take with me. Oh, they've also thrown away two of my mother's NPs on separate occasions.

The LM bag is nice, I have a few transparent ones for planes and this one for cars:


Well-known member
I put my makeup in my suitcase since they wanted to throw away my meteorites
In the end, they agreed not to confiscate them, if I put them in a transparent bag and only because they were 30g! I don't understand why they have a problem with something, that's not liquid. The answer was, that it's makeup
I'll be flying on Monday with just a carry on and I'm not sure what I'll take with me. Oh, they've also thrown away two of my mother's NPs on separate occasions.

The LM bag is nice, I have a few transparent ones for planes and this one for cars:
Wow---that's nuts. There's no real consistency!


Well-known member
So this little gem arrived today-----Estée Lauder's Pure Color All Over Illuminator. I got this in spite of my love-hate relationship with cream highlighters, but I have a thing for pink. The formula is not and the color is beautiful. My iPad camera does it little justice, but here goes:



Well-known member
Can I just say how much i LOVE the SK highlighter!!!! holy...i am very tempted to back it up HAHAHAHA

As for travelling....i swear it depends on the airport what u can and cannot have in that ziplock bag. I've had some airports (oakland, chicago, fort lauderdale i'm looking at u) that was a bit more strict and some that are super relaxed. I think it depends on the people too. I've had some times where i forget to take out the ziplock bag bc i'm trying to take off my shoes and my sweater and all that and i still was able to go through with no issues.

My toiletries and my makeup are seperate when I travel. Toiletries go in my check in and are all in ziplock bags to prevent spillage and my makeup goes in my carry on with me. Luckily I have never lost anything or left anything behind but when that day comes, it better be a PERM ITEM!!!! lol


Well-known member
Can I just say how much i LOVE the SK highlighter!!!! holy...i am very tempted to back it up HAHAHAHA

As for travelling....i swear it depends on the airport what u can and cannot have in that ziplock bag. I've had some airports (oakland, chicago, fort lauderdale i'm looking at u) that was a bit more strict and some that are super relaxed. I think it depends on the people too. I've had some times where i forget to take out the ziplock bag bc i'm trying to take off my shoes and my sweater and all that and i still was able to go through with no issues.

My toiletries and my makeup are seperate when I travel. Toiletries go in my check in and are all in ziplock bags to prevent spillage and my makeup goes in my carry on with me. Luckily I have never lost anything or left anything behind but when that day comes, it better be a PERM ITEM!!!! lol
I'm traveling from FTL on Thursday. I think I will be putting my liquid lippies in the plastic bag just to be safe. I decided to only take liquid lippies for the longevity. If only I put as much thought in to what I'm going to wear.


Well-known member
Decided to wear the Estée Lauder Pure Color All Over Illuminator. I swiped my brush over it & then applied it. The pics are in day light but don't totally show just how pigmented this is. After taking the pics I set it w/ Estée Lauder Illum. Powder Gelée, Crystal Baby (pale pink).
