hair cut horror


Active member
Lets start a thread dedicated to hair mishaps, as I see a thread below, is running in my direction..........SO I was between jobs for the last few weeks and as a result, a bit strapped for cash. I have massively thick hair, and after about 10 weeks, my hair desperately needs a cut or I look like a wildebeast. Since my patience was non existent I went to the local "beauty school" for a haircut, rather than being rationale and waiting til I had a few more bucks to go to someone reliable. I've been to beauty schools b/4 and had success, but I should have known better, this is literally a "local" beauty school. I just recieved the absolute worst haircut, I mean, when my best friend in 8th grade cut my hair, she did a better job. I ask for an inch trim, my hair was definitely at my shoulders, it is now at my chin. She used a scissors that made the worst sound, I think she got them at Wal-mart. I should have just go out of my chair when the girl pulled out the scissor w/out having to consult an instructor. My hair's split ends are worse now than they were when I walked in. My best friend in 8th grade actually cut my hair more evenly as well, this chick didnt even check the length left to right side. I don't know how this place even operates- again my mistake, evey warning sign was there. Usually you sign waivers at these places, not here, I hope no one messes up with some of the chemicals or they could be in huge trouble. I was thinking of going elsewhere to have someone try to fix it, however, he/she will probably have to cut it up to my ears to do so! Thank GOD my hair grows fast. Its like a bowl cut on they top layer with a mullet underneath, it's actually comical. I am in the fitness industry, so I wear my hair up often, to keep it out of my clients way ( and my own way for that matter). Luckily, I work in a casual attire setting and don't need to look "formal" often. I'd love to hear other hair horror stories...........think they'd be good for a laugh.


New member
I went to a VERY up scale hair salon. I thought how could they get this cut wrong.
When I went in my hair was almost to the middle of back. I told the gal I wanted a few light long layers all over and my hair to be trimmed about 2 inches. 6 inches GONE and she had huge chunky layers all over! When I complained she offered to chop my hair up the first layer which was at my ears!!! I said HELL NO and refused to pay. I got the manager involved and he agreed I should not pay.
It took FOREVER to grow that crappy cut out.