Halloween attempt.......


Well-known member
Hey girls.....thought I'd post some recent looks....don't have much time anymore with school and everything to post everyday......I wish!......anyhoo......I originally started on this hoping to achieve a Halloween look for the challenge this month.....it was sorta inspired by this face.....
....but I didn't really want to do the sun thing there.......so I decided I'd put my own twist on it and do a snowbunny look (not really Halloween but...who cares....)......in the end it didn't fit the challenge like all my other attempts.......
......and to make it all even worse.....I was sick with a high fever when I did this......obviously it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to and the stars look a little odd but hey....I've seen worse......so...let me stop rambling.......here goes......hope you like........





New member
i love the design on the outter corner... it looke beautiful... for doing in on a high fever... its amazing... how did u keep ur hard so damn straigh to do the liner... haha