Halloween-Practice Run....mmmm blood thirsty


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fancyfacebeater
i wish i had lenses but i have no subscription =[ where did u get urs?

I ordered mine from clearlycontacts.ca (I think the american site version is coastalcontacts.com)

You can get them without a prescription. If you look on the site under Halloween Contacts they have a whole bunch of different ones.. I wanted the Underworld or Lestat RX contacts.. But those took a week to create and wouldn't get here in time.. So I ordered the Angelic ones, which were much cheaper anyways.. I also ordered the Temptress ones..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cinci
I ordered mine from clearlycontacts.ca (I think the american site version is coastalcontacts.com)

You can get them without a prescription. If you look on the site under Halloween Contacts they have a whole bunch of different ones.. I wanted the Underworld or Lestat RX contacts.. But those took a week to create and wouldn't get here in time.. So I ordered the Angelic ones, which were much cheaper anyways.. I also ordered the Temptress ones..

awesome thanks! mow that i think of it i have heard of that site =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chiquilla_loca
Gorgeous Makeup!
U R 1 Sexy Vampire! Luv it!
I'm curious to see the rest of your costume

thanks hun!
my costume is nothing special.
Just a cute black dress, fishnets, and boots.
Didnt feel like spending 100 dollars on bad quality itchy costume haha


Well-known member

Wow, I am in awe....!!