Has any else worked as a Vendor on the Miltary bases

I work as a vendor on a Military base. I cant stand it the company i work for now i wont Say who they are but they suck. I cover three different brands Too Face, Bliss and Jack Black.They are new brands to the military so the hours suck. I try to do mini make- overs on the wifes and women who come shop but they never like my work. I am a make-up artist and never have had an unhappy custormer before. I love the sexy smoky eye look and alot of them have no cule on how to even apply make-up let alone how to even know whats a "good" make-up application. Im trying to get a new job but untill then i need to make the best of it. Does any one have any ideas on how I can improve my my days and make some of these wifes "happy". HELP!!!!!


Well-known member
It sounds like you're almost expecting these women to be unfeminine and ignorant of makeup. Granted, some might be new to makeup, but I don't think the proportion would be any different than on the civillian side. The only thing I can think of is that since they are in the military and in uniform, visible makeup is a big no-no, they are simply not used to seeing their face with a lot of makeup on. A sexy smokey eye might not be a good place to start. As a makeup artist I'm sure you want to show off your chops but it might be best to keep it light; fill in eyebrows, nude eyeshadow base, medium crease colour, brownish black mascara, natural looking blush and little lipgloss. Better yet, ASK THEM what they like/usually wear. If they don't know how to apply makeup then great, you can teach them! You have to know your client, and in the end, if they don't feel comfortable with what they have on, nobody wins. As the ma, you have to adapt to them, not the other way around. To me, being a makeup artist is not all about having the best technique, first and foremost, it's about making the person feel beautiful and confident, whatever that might mean to them.

source: spent my summers living/working on military bases as a teenager
Thanks for ur input but most of the make-up I do for them is for the ball or when there husband's are coming home from deployment. They ask for a smokey eye but I found out that there version of an smokey eye an a mua version of an smokey eye are completely different. Lesson learn always ask what they mean when they say "I want a sexy look" or an "smokey eye" It's the fun part of being an mua always learning something new;-)) thanks for ur help